Nelson Mandela & Invictus

Overview of Mandela's Life

Simple Wikipedia biography of Mandela

BBC Primary History - Nelson Mandela

Make sure you use the navigation on the left to find all the information! - This is several pages. Use the navigation to find the section you need.

South Africa Timeline - Time for Kids

Includes major events in Mandela's life, set against the events of the nation.

Comprehensive Sources

Nelson Mandela Foundation

Nelson Mandela - Times Topics (N.Y. Times)


The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela - PBS

Notice there are 4 main sections:

  1. The Boy From the Transkei - early life
  2. The Revolutionary - young man
  3. The Prisoner - his time in prison
  4. Husband & Lover - relationship w/Winnie


Simple Wikipedia entry on Apartheid

Apartheid - BrainPOP

provides some good context and mentions Mandela

A History of Apartheid, an Icon in the Making - USA Today

Good overview, breaks down timeline into chunks, discusses Mandela's part in ending apartheid.


Obituary: Nelson Mandela - BBC

Includes an 8.5 min. video of Mandela's life that

provides some good context and news videos (primary sources) and pictures.

The Life of Nelson Mandela - NY Times

12 min. video

Invictus Poem

Text of poem by Henley

Invictus: Poem by Gloucester poet that inspired Nelson Mandela

This article gives background about the poem and its poet and about Mandela's connection to the poem. Note that the Gloucester they refer to here is in England, not Gloucester, Mass.!

Nelson Mandela & Springboks (rugby team)

Nelson Mandela seized the opportunity of the Rugby World Cup 1995

Francois Pienaar: 'When the whistle blew, South Africa changed forever'

Robben Island (where Mandela was imprisoned)

Robben Island Museum

Mandela's prison: ‘This is an island. Here you will die’

Describes the prison and Mandela's imprisonment there, including photos.