What Else?

Anything else about reading you'd like to add?

Mr. Olbash: I grew to love reading. As a child and college student, I avoided reading like the plague. Now, it brings great peace and a sense of personal growth and enrichment. It takes time for some people, so others must be very patient.

Ms. Kehoe: I am a reading teacher because when I was an elementary teacher my favorite thing to do with my classes and to teach the children to do was to read. Watching kids learn to read, become better comprehenders, and develop a love of reading is magical! Reading is a way for us to connect with one another and opens up conversations about so many topics. It's amazing.

Ms. Woznick: I can't imagine a world without readings!

Ms. Lague: I don't want to give up actual paper or hardcover books for a kindle or any other electronic reading device!

Miss Villanti: I also like words, playing with words and word games such as banangrams and cryptograms.

Mrs. Robbins: I have trouble comprehending some of the things I read. Reading is difficult sometimes.

Mrs. Fish: I like to read magazines when I know I don't have big chunks of time to spare. They are informative and quick fix for when I'm hungry for knowledge.

Mrs. Spencer: I need to make more time to do it.

Ms. Williams: I notice that I go through phases with reading. I will discover an author and then read all his/her books. . .or. . .I'll become interested in a particular subject and check out 5 or 6 books on that subject, skimming books to learn as much as I can, then onto the internet.

Mr. Goncalves: I read as an escape and to learn about history, the world, and the human experience

Mrs. Sherman: I sometimes feel sad when I book I really enjoyed is over. I know I can never again capture the same exact feeling with another book.

Mrs. Moffett: I think reading is the best habit anyone can ever have. You gain so much knowledge when you read, not just subject matter but how to write cohesively. And reading can be a great way to relieve boredom, ease lonliness, and escape from stress.

Mrs. De Courcy: I wish I had more time to read

Mrs. Sullivan: I wish I had more time to read.

Ms. Forsyth I wish more kids read today. It seems like many only want to play video games and watch You Tube videos. My daughter, however, is like me. She loves to read and will read just about any genre. My son despises reading, which is something I really can't relate to. He will read manga books and Sports Illustrated so I encourage that as much as possible.

Mrs. Woitunski It beats most shows on television! It doesn't cost money if you use the library or borrow books from friends!

Mrs. Tobin: It can take you away to places or times that you would not ordinarily be able to experience.

Ms. Snow: It doesn't matter what you read, just do it! It can be a book about music, how to repair cars/motorcycles, sports stars biographies - anything!

Ms. Greenleaf: My parents used to hide reading materials from me when I was a kid because I would hide and read and not complete my chores. I could never understand it when my childhood friends would complain about how their parents would make them read for 30 minutes a day before they could play outside. Get me a blanket, a good book, a sunny day, a patch of grass and I'm all set.

Mrs. Faria: Never underestimate the brain building reading does for you!

Mrs. Nearis: Only wish i had more time..:(

Mrs. Lydon: People don't read enough. Kids are too digitally inclined to pick up a book. We are losing an entire generation of readers.

Mrs. Wood-Bell: Readers tend to be deep thinkers, good problem solvers, and compassionate people

Mrs. Sotirakopoulos: Reading has brought the world to me and helped me become the person I am today. Never take your reading ability for granted.

Mrs. Benosky: Reading is the most important tool in a civilized society!

Ms. Place: Re-reading is highly underrated. I just re-read Edith Wharton's ETHAN FROME, which I hadn't read since high school. I had forgotten how moving it is! Also: nine times out of ten, the book is WAY better than the movie