
You must consult at least two sources for this project: one print and one online.

NOTE: Wikipedia is NOT a source - for this project you were using it for pre-search only! You may not include quotes from Wikipedia or cite it.

Print sources will be available in the Briscoe library during the days you come to the library or lab.

  • Encyclopedias
  • Reference books, including Biography Today
  • Biographies about your chosen person
  • Collective biographies (books with biographies about many different people - for example, women activists, etc.)

Online sources may be accessed during some class periods, before and after school at the Briscoe Library, or from home. Students must carefully evaluate their sources before selecting them. Please do not take notes from online sources before we discuss them in class!

A few links are below that may be useful.

  • Who2? - 3700+ people
    • InfoTrac Junior Edition - This is a high-quality online database available through the Beverly Public Library. It includes an encyclopedia as well as magazine and newspaper articles and other sources.
    • InfoPlease - 30,000+ people

If you do a Google search, you must evaluate your source - ABCDE - Author, Bias/Balance, Content, Date,

Here are some tips and things to look for:

    • Search for the person's name (spell it right!) and the word biography - for example,
    • John Glenn biography
    • If the person is alive, they may have their own website.
    • There may be some sort of museum or organization devoted to this person and their memory if they are dead.