Fact vs. Fiction

Gr. 7 ELA

All Summer In a Day

Venus Info

Venus - Solar Systm Exploration (NASA.gov)

Note: There is a lot more here than you might realize. Click on the tabs at the top of the page!

Venus - Ask an Astronomer for Kids - CoolCosmos at Cal Tech. Q&A format information about Venus

Venus' Atmosphere - Space.com

Venus - FactMonster

ESA for Kids: Venus - European Space Agency

Venus - BrainPOP video

Note: turn on the closed captioning (CC) to make it easier to take notes while you watch the video. You will need the BrainPOP app if you are using an iPad.

Human History of the Planet Venus - how our view of Venus has changed over time.

Sunlight Info

Host of Health Benefits Attributed to Sunlight - U.S. News & World Report

Polar Night and Midnight Sun