Foreign Cultures

A country or region's culture is not one thing, but what ties it together are the people. It has to do with their way of life, what they do in their leisure time, and how they express themselves. Some examples of cultural items to research include:

    • Food
    • Holidays & Festivals
    • Vacation spots and activities
    • Sports
    • Music
    • Languages and dialects
    • Style and dress
    • Art
    • Architecture and home design

There are a lot of place to look for this information. Here are some to get you started:

Encyclopedias - One-stop shopping for a good overview of many of these topics!

Maps of the World - Search for your country - many of them have articles about sports and food and other topics related to culture.

Travel sites are a good place to go - try these ones:

Discover Central America


Holidays and Festivals

