Martin Luther King

Web Pages about Martin Luther King, Jr.

From America's Story - America's Library, Library of Congress

Biography for Kids - Ducksters

Who2 Biography - Who2


Martin Luther King, Jr. - BrainPOP video

MLK, Jr. Remembered - National Geographic


Definitions from Word Central website

advocate - a person who argues for, recommends, or supports a cause or policy

assassinate - to murder a usually important person by a surprise or secret attack

activist - a person who believes in forceful action (as a mass demonstration) for political purposes

civil rights - the nonpolitical rights of a citizen

clergyman - a member of a group of religious officials (as priests, ministers, or rabbis) specially prepared and authorized to conduct religious services

discrimination - the treating of some people better than others without any fair or proper reaso

Nobel Peace Prize - An international annual prize established by the will of Alfred Nobel for the encouragement of people who work for the interests of humanity

nonviolent - not using violence, peaceful

orator - a public speaker noted for skill and power in speaking

pastor - a minister or priest in charge of a church or parish

segregation - the separation or isolation of a race, class, or group (as by restriction to an area or by separate schools)

unconstitutional - not according to or agreeing with the constitution of a state or society