Le Monde Francophone

Objective: To learn about countries where French is spoken and to share your knowledge with the class.

Description: You are an official tourism representative from a French-speaking country. You will research that country and create a travel brochure OR a PowerPoint presentation AND an oral presentation about that country. Included in the project you will present a map of the country, showing its region in the world, its capital city, and a picture of its national flag.


You may want to use this note-taking template

Your project and presentation will include information about the following categories:

1) Population — How many and what ethnicity/ethnicities? What do they do for a living? What do they do for fun? What can you tell us about their family life?

2) Culture—Describe both day-to-day life and any arts and literature that have their origins in this country. Are there any famous people we should know about from this country? Refer to your class notes for details about what makes up a culture. Hint: The encyclopedia is a great place to look for this information!

3) History—Give a brief history of this country. BE SURE TO EXPLAIN HOW IT CAME TO BE FRENCH-SPEAKING. What is its capital? Was it a French colony? Who are the famous people in its history?

4) Climate—Explain what the weather is like. Does it change with the seasons? Is it always the same? How can it be compared with the weather we know in New England?

5) Tourism—Explain why someone would like to visit this country…or why not!


A complete project will include the following:

  • A neat, attractive project
  • Answers to all of the above questions in all of the above categories.
  • A picture of the country’s flag.
  • A political map showing not just the shape of the country but which countries it borders.
  • A well-planned oral presentation. You may use note cards.
  • A list of sources.

Screencast to explain resources

Use these sites:

Go in depth:

State Dept. International Travel - Find your country and check the Country Description and look at the top of the page to see if there are any travel warnings!

BBC Country Profiles - Overview of country, political situation, leaders, map with bordering countries, historical timeline

Weatherbase - Weather Information

State Dept. Background Notes

Embassies in Washington, D.C.

Government Tourism Offices: