
Why do you read?

Mrs. Jodoin: JUST LOVE READING!!!!!!!!! stress-buster, escape reality, love a good story

Ms. Cooney: Because it is something to do and I get to go to great places when I read

Mrs. Curtis: Depending on what I read my reasons differ. I read for fun at night because I find it relaxing. I read science articles because I like to know what is going on in the world and I want to be able to bring new and exciting information to my students.

Mrs. Sullivan: For entertainment, yard sales!, town news

Mrs. Woitunski: for relaxation, to visit places I've never been, to learn history, to meet interesting people, to appreciate different cultures and lifestyles

Ms. Fila: I enjoy it. It's an 'escape', a quiet hobby. A book (or 2) travels very well. As a teacher, I want to continue to learn new things.

Mr. Deering: I enjoy reading as it helps me relax.

Ms. Bertone: I feel relaxed when I read, especially when I'm outside surrounded by nature enjoying a great book.

Ms. Woznick: I get bored if I am not reading. I like to learn new things, and I love to find articles and books to recommend to other people too!

Mrs. Tobin: I grew up in a household where most people were hearing impaired. Everybody read instead of watching tv.

Ms. Arsenault: I have always loved to read since I can remember. I prefer to read over watching tv or movies.

Ms. Kehoe: I like getting lost in a different world and reading helps me learn things about other people, places and about myself. I also like discussing books and sharing books with others. It is so fun to read a book that I feel like I can't put down.

Miss Villanti: I like to learn about new things and different places. It is a good way to pass the time.

Mrs. Wood-Bell: I like to learn new information and new ways of looking at the world through different characters' eyes

Mrs. Benosky: I like to learn new things; I like to escape into a story and imagine all of the possibilities.

Mrs. Sotirakopoulos: I love everything about reading. I love to read stories about peoples lives, stories that take you away from your life. I love to learn new things to help me to my job better

Ms. Williams: I prefer nonfiction, I love to read about travel in other countries, specific times in history from the point of view of those who lived it, and I rely on the internet for news coverage. I am also beginning to read more poetry.

Ms. Greenleaf: I read because it is relaxing, I learn about new things, and I absolutely love hearing a good story be it fictional or real life.

Mrs. Faria: I read for all kinds of reasons. I read the newspaper so I can be an informed citizen. I read history because it helps me understand who we are today. I read novels, because I love language, well drawn characters and a well told tale. I read murder mysteries because they are just, plain fun!

Mrs. Lydon: I read for information, and to relax.

Mrs. Martino: I read for several reasons but especially because it gives me information to make important decisions about my life.

Ms. Forsyth: I read just because I enjoy it. It is a way for me to relax. I can't remember a time when I wouldn't rather be reading.

Ms. Clark: I read to keep updated in the everchanging world, keep my mind freshly filled with creative ideas, and to expand my knowledge of current studies.

Mrs. Kersting: I read to learn more about the American Revolution as I am a Revolutinary War re-enactor. I also read for pleasure so I can relax.

Mr. Poska: It calms me and helps me to improve my reading and writing skills

Mrs. Sherman: It enjoy it. Reading makes me feel accomplished. I crave the quiet time reading allows me. I am immersed in a different world for a few minutes or a few hours. I feel that I always learn when I read and that my new knowledge helps me make good decisions or helps me be a better person.

Ms. Lague: It helps me not think about everything else that I HAVE to think about.

Ms. Place: It helps me write better

Ms. Scoglio: It helps to allieviate my stress and take me away from my problems

Mrs. Nearis: It is great down time and relaxing for me.

Mrs. Pasquarelli: it is relaxing and I typically enjoy a good story

Mr. Sullivan: It makes me smarter, I like to stay informed

Mrs. Moffett: It relaxes me at bedtime. For my profession, reading medical journals keeps me informed about many topics. Reading relieves boredom.

Mrs. Klemm: It relaxes me, and I usually find out something that I didn't know about before.

Mrs. De Courcy: it's exciting to learn new things

Ms. Flynn: It's fun

Mrs. Blinderman: its relaxing, my son loves to be read to

Ms. Zmijewski: learning new things, experience something I'd never know without reading about it

Mrs. Gillette: To become more enlightened about the world, to keep current on issues related to my work

Mrs. Fish: To escape reality, tv, and ground myself back to thinking and not just "do, do, doing..."

Mrs. McWha: To escape.

Mr. Olbash: To find peace!

Mr. Carr: To keep informed on what is going on in the world.

Mrs. Spencer: To keep up on current events and learn new things.

Mrs. Roebuck: To learn and because books are entertaining

Mrs. Trider: to relax

Ms. Snow: to relax to escape harsh realities