
Fensterstockhiasl ("Der Fenterstock Hiasl" or "Neuli hot mir mei Dirndl a Brieferl")

Click HERE to listen to and/or download two versions of Anton Blau singing Fensterstockhiasl on June 13, 1982.

This is a German song and has many verses and variations (some verses not suitable for small children). Though the title may not be exactly correct, this song was one of the German songs sung by Anton "Tony" Blau (born in 1904), his brother, George Blau (born in 1907), and their friends, Joseph "Sepp" Lechner(born in 1901) and Ed Laubmeier (born in 1904). It was Sepp who taught the song to the boys. (Some background info)

In 1982 at age 78, Anton Blau could no longer remember the name of the song or all the verses, but he tried to describe the story-line of the song:

"There's a fellow who was always thinking of his girlfriend. So he went to her house. He made a little scratching sound, so she opened the window for him to come in. He was with his girlfriend for about one hour. The girl's dad came along (went to the room) with a big bull whip. The dad struck at me (the fellow) with the big bull whip. The girl gave the boy some advice, she said, "Get out through the window, it's too late for the door."

A lot of words in this song are implied and not spoken because of the way Bavarian's commonly speak. This makes it hard to translate.

George Blau wrote the lyrics (in Bavarian dialect, as it sounded to him) in the 1980s. Note that the last verse was rated "R" meaning there must have been some double entendre.


Neit hote mir mine madl a breefl

zu gsreem, war um [tun?] ich den by der

nacht gar mimer keem, a breefl zu gshreen

wile I gar nimer keem


hol de rira de rira dee ho.


habs breefl auf gnacht my hertz I

hote glach by the stokefinstern nicht


holdy reehrah


way ich umy kema bin zum nachbern

sine eck dewile san di hellsam no mit

in bet des wa da a gfret und no het in bet

Hol de rihrah Chorus


kam been e a stundl bime madl

drin gren, da komt der grizbaur

mit der ochsen zwing zweng, haut

oiny auf me das e gly moi

been he

Holdy Chorus


gets gibt mir my madel den oinziger

rot zum fenster must ousy by the Dir

ist sho zuspote wa dena shone had

by the din ist sho zu spot



und we e zum fenster be ausy

grocha jets ist mir der fensterstok

nachi brocha meds denest lacka

und nachi brocha



rated R ha.

Yours truly

George Blau