Freker Immigration

Freker emigration/immigration was removed by me on 9/18/2020 and uploaded to FamilySearch.

See "Memories" section:


Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv has emigration records for Freker and Ruskauff families.

Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv - Staatsarchiv Osnabrück Schloßstrasse 2949074 Osnabrück

Researchers can now search for names online and order copies of original emigration documents. At the archive website are only typed summaries. Navigating the archive website is a little difficult so I have created the tutorial below.

To see typed summaries of the original records, go to the "Auswanderer" section of the Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv:

Click: (See screenshots below!)

On the left column, click "Niedersächsisches Landesarchiv"On the right find "NLA Osnabrück" and click "Navigator" On the left click "Sonderfindbücher"On the right find "Auswanderer" and click "Navigator"

On the left column, expand the menus to find the town. For instance:Click "10 Amt Iburg" to find Borgloh, Dissen, Glandorf, Glane, Oesede, Remsede, etc.Or click "15 Amt Osnabrück" to find Bissendorf, Rulle, etc.

To see records in Bissendorf:

Click "15.2 Kirchspiel Bissendorf"On the right are 11 pages of documents. Click the text to expand the page, and also click "Detail page" to see more.

To search for names, go to:

1. Type 'frecker' in the "Search words" field. As you are typing, you will see there are 26 "Frecker" and 1 "Frekers" 2. In the "Search area" click "All archives" 3. Click "Search" 4. You should now see 26 hits for Freker, on 2 pages. However, these are not all emigrations records.

To search only emigration records, go here:

1. Click Search at the top 2. Type in Frecker 3. Click "Selection in tree" 4. Click Search 5. There are 12 hits for Frecker in the emigration collection

You can also type other search terms such as town names.

To order a document, send the Bestellenummer (such as "NLA OS Rep 350 Ibg Nr. 7897f vgl. Nr. 7866") to the archive. If you don't want an original, you can print the typed information on the Detail page; you can also create a link to the record.

Key to questions asked on the emigration forms (not all forms were worded the same):

1. Name, Vorname, Herkunftsort (name, first name, place of origin)2. Geburtstag/Alter, Geburtsort (date of birth/age, birthplace3. Beruf/Stand (occupation)4. Eltern (name of the parents)5. Mitauswanderer (mit Angabe von Alter und Beruf, soweit verfügbar)(co-emigrants)6. Konfession (religious denomination)7. Ziel (Land/Ort) (destination)8. Datum der Auswanderung/Passerteilung (date of emigration /consent)9. Vermögensverhältnisse (financial circumstances)10. Sonstiges, z.B. Verwandte am Zielort, Schiff, weitere Fundstellen (further comments)

Here is a different wording:

1. Name, Wohnort2. Geburtsdatum bzw. Alter und vom Wohnort abweichender Geburtsort3. Beruf4. Namen der Eltern5. Mitauswandernde Familienangehörige mit Angabe des Verwandtschaftsverhältnisses6. Konfession7. Zielort bzw. Zielland8. Datum bzw. Jahr der Auswanderung (Pass-, Konsenserteilung, Abfahrt u.ä.)9. Vermögen10. Bemerkungen