Georg Gruber - Will dated 1880

Will - 1880 - Georg Gruber of Prosdorf, Germany (16 pages, numbered from 0-15)

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The following is a rough summary of the will of Georg Gruber, originally written in German handwriting.

Page 0: Title page: Koenigliches Amtsgericht Waldmünchen.... Gruber Georg ... von Prosdorf. Jahrgang 1880, Num. 90.

Page 1: Abschrift Testament. (information such as Georg Gruber is here in this office and says these things.) Date on this page: October 7, 1866.

Pages 2-4: Georg Gruber came into this office. He was a widow; his wife was Katharina [Rieder]. Georg Gruber got house number 4 in Prosdorf in 1863 when his wife died. In 1888 a son, Joseph Gruber, got the farm. Joseph must give 200 fl. (gulden--a kind of money) to the other six children (his siblings): Anna Maria, Georg, Johann, Xaver, Michael, and Johann Baptist. Joseph is the 7th child of Georg. The son, Joseph, must give the father 600 fl. every month. Joseph paid 300 fl. before, and now must pay 300 fl. after. (Note: 600 fl. in 1880 was considered to be a larger than normal amount of money). Georg Gruber got 200 fl. from Georg Riederer in Machtesberg.

Page 5: The 7 children get 200 fl. All 7 children get part of the 200 fl. and 300 fl. when the father, Georg, dies. "My son, Joseph, gets the bed."

Page 6: This bed is for the house and it should always stay in the house. When the old Gruber is dead, the son, Joseph, must pay the funeral costs.

Page 7: Georg Gruber says all this in the presence of two witnesses.

Page 8: Names of witnesses: Joseph Schiedermeier, Michl [Michael] Schnabl, L. L. Franz Eberl.

Page 9: 4 pages, dated in Moosdorf on Juli 18, 1880. Gemeindeverwaltung Prosdorf zu das Koenigliches Amtsgericht Waldmünchen. Betreff: Das Ableben des Georg Gruber . .. von Prosdorf. . . .Todes- Anzeige

Page 10-11: Todes Anzeige form, regarding Georg Gruber, age 74 years 6 months; widowed; date and time of death: July 12, 1880, 6 pm; Town where he died: Prosdorf.; info about a will; names of all the children, places they live, some had died.

  1. Anna Maria, married a Schneider (taylor) named Wittman in Herzogau. Dead with two children.

  2. Joseph Gruber, farm in Prosdorf.

  3. Johann Gruber, inwohner in Prosdorf.

  4. Georg Gruber, house owner in Herzogau.

  5. Johann Baptist Gruber, in Nord Amerika.

  6. Xaver Gruber, in Nord Amerika, maybe he is dead.

  7. Michl. Gruber, in Nord Amerika.

Page 12: dated in Waldmünchen on August 30, 1880(?). (nothing important written on this page)

Page 13: Protokoll (3 pages). Date on this page: September 18, 1880. Anna Maria, the wife of the taylor (Schneider) named Wittman is dead. Johann Wittman must give the money to Anna Maria's two children.

Page 14: My three sons emigrated to Amerika: Johann Baptist, Xaver and Michl. (The word "Gestorben" is written, but we can't read who is dead). The town in which these three live is unknown.

Page 15: Date on this page: September 20, 1880. The signatures of Joseph Gruber, Georg Gruber, Johann Gruber and Johann Wittmann (here spelled with 2 "n"s, previously with one "n"). A statement about the signatures and that money was given.

Source: No. StAA. Verl 1880/90

Repository: Staatsarchiv Amberg, Archiv Straße 3, 92224 Amberg, Germany