The Blau Family: A Musical History

by Debbie Blau, completed December 24, 2009

"The Blau Family: A Musical History" is an 84-page history with photos, remembrances, newspaper articles, and more. It tells the story of the musical history of the Anton and Merie Mohelnitzky Blau family and their eight children, the popular "Blau Family Hour" on WRDB-radio in 1953, other musical bands they participated in, amateur contests, talent shows, parties and weddings. The story includes the names of other musical people from Plain, Wisconsin.

Excerpt from page 4: "The Anton and Merie Blau family seemed to have a natural talent for music and were mainly self-taught and played "by ear." At all family gatherings, music was a part of the celebration and there were not many parties when "Lieber Anton" or "Let the Rest of the World Go By" were not sung. . . . Anton was self-taught and played by ear. He learned many of the German songs from singing with Joseph "Sepp" Lechner."

$25 in PDF format to family members only. Contact

An abbreviated 71-page version of the book was donated to Old Franklin Township Historical Society (915 Wachter Avenue in Plain, Wisconsin) in 2014 for an exhibit during the summer months called, "History of Area Music & Bands Display." A coinciding fundraising event, "Swing with the Bands," was sponsored by Old Franklin Township Historical Society and was held on Aug. 15, 2014, at the park pavilion in Plain. OFTHS included an excerpt of the "Squeeze Box Serenaders" section of the book on their website.