Michael Blau & Barbara Dobmeier

Michael Blau was born in 1825 in Gleissenberg, Kreis Cham, Bavaria, Germany. Michael, along with his future bride, Barbara Dobmeier, born 1833 in Gleissenberg, and their infant son, Joseph born 1861 in Gleissenberg, emigrated to America in June 1862.

Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte

Projekt: Die Auswanderung aus Bayern nach Nordamerika, Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte, 2004

Michael Blau


(25.08.1825, Gleißenberg - unbekannt)

"Michael Blau wurde am 25. August 1825 im bayerischen Gleißenberg geboren. Sein Vater war Schuhmacher. Mit seiner Verlobten, Barbara Dobmeier, bat er am 8. Februar 1862 am Königlichen Landgericht Waldmünchen um die Erlaubnis, nach Amerika auswandern zu dürfen. Er hoffte, dort eine bessere Zukunft zu finden. Zu dieser Zeit hatten Barbara Dobmeier und Michael Blau bereits einen Sohn, Joseph. Über Nürnberg fuhr die - noch illegitime - Familie nach Bremen. Dort schifften sie sich auf dem Dampfer "Bremen" ein, der am 12. Juni 1862 den Hafen von Baltimore, Maryland, erreichte. In Buffalo, New York, heirateten Micheal Blau und Barbara Dobmeier am 7. Juli 1862, und zwar in der St. Mary Catholic Church. In Buffalo kam auch ihr zweites Kind, Mary, am 25. Dezember 1863 zur Welt. Barbara und Michael Blau bekamen noch sieben weitere Kinder: Michael, Barbara, Frank, Alois, John, Theresia und Anna. Michael Blau starb am 25. Dezember 1892. Im Mai 1864 waren Michael und Barbara nach Plain, Wisconsin, umgezogen. Dort kauften sie die Charles Lamb Farm, auf der sie bis zu ihrem Tode lebten. Er ist auf dem St. Luke's Catholic Cemetery in Plain, Wisconsin, beerdigt."

Barbara Dobmeier


(25.12.1833, Gleißenberg - unbekannt)

"Barbara Dobmeier wurde am 25. Dezember 1833 im bayerischen Gleißenberg geboren. Da ihre Schwester Maria Meindl bereits um 1856 nach Amerika ausgewandert war und ihr in zahlreichen Briefen von dem Leben dort vorgeschwärmt hatte, wollte Barbara mit ihrem Verlobten Michael Blau ebenfalls dorthin auswandern. Sie verließ mit Michael Blau und ihrem gemeinsamen Sohn Joseph Deutschland per Schiff ("Bremen") ab Bremen und kam am 12. Juni 1862 in der Neuen Welt an. (Weiteres siehe unter Micheal Blau.) Barbara Blau starb am 27. Dezember 1920. Sie ist wie ihr Mann auf dem St. Luke's Catholic Cemetery in Plain, Wisconsin, beerdigt."

Joseph Blau (aka Dobmeier)

(03.04.1861, Gleißenberg - unbekannt)

Joseph Dobmeier, der Sohn von Barbara Dobmeier und Michael Blau, kam am 3. April 1861 im bayerischen Gleißenberg zur Welt. Seine Eltern wanderten mit ihm im Jahre 1862 nach Amerika aus. (Weiteres siehe unter Micheal Blau und Barbara Dobmeier.)

Info submitted to Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte by Debbie Blau.

Barbara Dobmeier and Michael Blau

Notice the facial features are changed in another charcoal drawing below:

Memorials at Findagrave website:

Michael Blau

Barbara Dobmeier Blau

Intention to Become a Citizen of the United States

State of Wisconsin, } ss


Michael Blau personally appeared before the subscriber, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County, being a Court of Record, and made oath that he was born in the Kingdom of Bavaria on or about the year Eighteen hundred and twenty five; that he emigrated to the United States, and landed at the Port of Baltimore, on or about the month of July in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two; that it is bona fide his intention to become a Citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly to Maximilian, King of Bavaria, whereof he is a subject.

Subscribed and Sworn to the 13th day of July A. D. 1867,

[signature] Michael Blau

[signature] George Mertins Dp Clerk.

Source: Declaration of Intention, Volume 0 (New Volume 4), page 416, record #1311.

Repository: Repository: Archives (4th Floor), Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin

June 12, 1862, passenger list

Info from Wisconsin Historical Society microfilm number P76-4623 (1860 Oct 8 - 1863 Sep 24), Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore.

[Title page on microfilm]

National Archives Microfilm Publications

Name of Vessel: Ship Gauss

Port of Embarkation: Bremen

Date of Arrival: June 12, 1862

Number: 17

[Page showing Blau names]

No. 97:

Name of passenger: Michael Blau

Age: 36

Country of Birth: Prussia

Last Legal Residence: Gleissenberg

Country Claiming Allegiance: Buffalo

Occupation and Remarks: farmer

No. 98:

Name of passenger: Barbara Blau

Age: 28

Country of Birth: Prussia

Last legal residence Gleissenberg

Country Claiming Allegiance: Buffalo

Occupation and Remarks: --

[Note: The "Last Legal Residence" (Gleissenberg) appears in the crack of the page and is worn away. The only letters visible are Gl.....nb(erg). Michael and Barbara's child, Joseph Blau, was not found on the list. He was probably included in the tally of children.]

[page with statistics]

- Infants from 1 to 8 years [2 words illegible]

I Cabin -- -- 10 10

II Cabin 3 3 17 18-1/2 18 citizens

Steerage 17 51 190 215-1/2

[Signature page]

I, H. Wieling Master of the ship Gauss of Bremen do solemenly swear that the annexed List contains the names of all the Passengers who have been taken on board the said Ship at Bremen or any other Foreign Port or at Sea and brought in the said vessel into any district of the United States since her departure from Bremen.

Sworn to this 12 Day of June 1862.

Before me H Wieting

C M Jameson D Co


Microfilm Roll Number: M255_13 [Image 3 of 8]

Source Information: Ancestry.com. Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006. Original data: Baltimore, Maryland. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, Maryland, 1891-1909. Micropublication T844. RG085. Rolls # 1-150. National Archives, Washington, D.C.


Immigrant Ships, Transcribers Guild, Gauss


Info from Wisconsin Historical Society microfilm number P73-6374 (Roll 6, Target 3, 1862), Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore; Quarterly abstract of Passenger Lists - Quarter Ending June 30, 1862.

List of Passengers entered in the District of Baltimore from Foreign Countries, during the Quarter ending, June 30, 1862.

Names of Passengers: Michael Blau

Age: 36

Male: "


Occupation: Farmer

Country to which they belong: Germany

Country in which they intend to become inhabitants: United States

Names of Passengers: Barbara Blau

Age: 28


Female: "


Country to which they belong: Germany

Country in which they intend to become inhabitants: United States

Died on the voyage:

[statistical list shows a total of 21 males and 21 females. This total includes three under age 5; seven age 5 to 10; one age 10 to 15; four age 15 to 20; six age 20 to 25; six age 25 to 30; four age 30 to 35; three age 35 to 40; eight over age 40]


Info from Wisconsin Historical Society microfilm number P83-5294, Index to Passenger Lists - Atlantic & Gulf Coasts. Soundex #B400 = Blau, Index card

Family Name: BLAU

Given Name: Barbara

Accompanied by: Michael

Ages -Yrs. Mos.: 28

Sex: Female

M. S. W. D.


Nationality: Germany

Last permanent Residence (Town, Country, etc.): Germany

Destination: U.S.

Port of entry: Baltimore Md

Name of Vessel:

Date: 6 30 1862 [June 30, 1862]

[Notation at bottom:] Bell 13h P. 12

[Index card]

Family Name: BLAU

Given Name: Michael

Accompanied by: Barbara

Ages -Yrs. Mos.: 36

Sex: M

M. S. W. D.

Occupation: Farmer

Nationality: Germany

Last permanent Residence (Town, Country, etc.): Germany

Destination: U.S.

Port of entry: Baltimore Md

Name of Vessel:

Date: 6-30-1862 [June 30, 1862]

[Notation at bottom:] Bell 13h P. 12