Vincensius Mohelnicky

Last Will of Vincensius Mohelnicky, 1825  

Signed in Prague, Czech Rebublic on October 25, 1825.

Vincensius was born on December 21, [year?] and died on April 9, 1826. 

The will was originally written in Czech language:

See all 6 handwritten pages *here* 

See all 3 typewritten pages *here*

(The PDF files can be downloaded, then rotate to read it more easily)

The will was sent to my by Josef Mohelnicky of Prague in 1999

Wondering. . . 

Perhaps the Antonin listed in the 1825 Will of Vincent Mohelnicky is the grandfather of Anton Mohelnitzky (born in 1848). 

Names mentioned in the will

German Translation from Czech Transcription

Translation from Czech to German by Viktor Langhans of Germany, on January 2007: 

Text version of Viktor's translation

[In brackets are comments and/or corrections added later.]


Letzter Wille 

Im Namen der drei Heiligen, Gott Vater, Sohn und des heiligen Geistes übergeben [übergebe] ich meine Seele Gott, den Körper der Erde aus welcher ich geschaffen wurde und hoffe auf die verdiente Gnade und Milde unseres lieben Jesus Christus das er mir meine Sünden vergibt und mache hiermit meinen letzten Willen kundt wie folgt.

1.) Ich ordne an das mein Körper gemäß der christlichen katholischen Kirche wie es nach dem ersten alten tschechischen ansässigen Pragerbürgern gehört die Beerdigung auf den zweiten Tag nach dem Tod zulegen und nach der Beerdigung in der Heiligen Peterskirche 10 Messen für mein Seelenheil zubestellen. Nach Verrichten dieser Messen sind an 40 Armen der heiligen Peterpfarrei vom Pfarrer 30 zl. an diese zuverteilen. Für die Beerdigungskosten und die 20 zl. für die Armen der hl. Peterpfarrei werden meine Brüder dazu gemeinsam zur Kasse gebeten.

2.) Dem Armenhaus vermache ich 8 zl. str. sowie dem Almosenhaus der Veteranen 4 zl. str.

3) Josef Dvorak, Sohn meiner verstorbenen Schwester Elisabeth Mohelnicky, verheiratete Dvorak geben [gebe] ich nur 40 str. und das nur weil er sich nicht so aufführte wie es sich für einen Jugendlichen gehörte und mir nie gefolgt hat.

4.) Über meine weiteren Eigentümer, das Haus im bischöflichen Hof unter Nr. 1146/2 beim Notariat eingeschrieben in welchen ich und meine Ehefrau Ludmila Mohelnicky bewohne ordne ich an, das meine Frau nach meinem Tode meine Hälfte des Hauses bis zu Ihrem Tode bekommt.

5.) Nach Ihrem Tode vermache ich meine Hälfte des Hauses meinem Bruder Anton Mohelnicky Tuchmachermeister wohnhaft in Selcany bis zu seinem Tode und nach seinem Tode seinen Kindern als Eigentum.

6.) Das Feld hinter dem Flusstor unter der Nr. Map. 18 von dem mittleren Weg bis zur Pilgerwand haben zusammen ca. 34 böhmische Ellenmaße in der Breite vermache ich meinem begünstigten Bruder Mohelnicky als sein Eigentum.

7.) Meinem zweiten Bruder Josef Mohelnicky Tuchmachermeister wohnhaft in Hranic/Mähren vermache ich das Vorderteil meines Hauses im Karolinental Nr. 28 auf der linken Seite an der Strasse sowie das Feld welches neben der Straße liegt Nr. Map. 2 bis Kindlovec reichend haben zusammen mindestens 29/12 böhmische Ellenmaße in der Breite bis zu seinem Tode, danach seinen Kinder als Eigentum.

8.) Den hinteren Teil des Hauses zum Wasser N. c 28 im Karolinental mit den 3 Unterkünften, dem Maschinenraum mit dem Töpferofen vermache ich Franz Mohelnicky [occupation: cajkář or cajkanský mistr - an old term for weaver or weaver master] wohnhaft in Seefelden [Šenfeldu] bis zu seinem Tode und nach seinem Tode seinen Kindern zu gleichen Teilen als Eigentum. Den Weg vom oberen Haus bis zum Wasser werden beide Brüder Josef uns [und] Franz Mohelnicky und Ihre Nachkommen instandhalten müssen damit die Mieter immer einen freien Weg zum Wasser haben welches durch den unteren Teil des Hauses fließt, somit bleibt für beide Teile des Hauses für die Eigentümer und Mieter der Weg zum Wasser erhalten. Der Hof zwischen dem oberen und dem unteren Haus wird je zur Hälfte jeden [jedem] Haus zugeteilt muß aber für die Eigentümer und die Mieter zur allgemeinen Benutzung zugänglich bleiben. [See notes below]

9.) Das Feld Nr. Map 18 bei der Kaiserstrasse vermache ich Josef und Franz Mohelnicky und zwar bis zur Mitte des Weges bis zu Ihrem Tode, nach Ihrem Tode geht es als Eigentum ihrer Kinder über.

10.) Feld Nr. Map 3 und 4 zwei Grundstücke verbunden in einem neben dem Haus auf der 1 linken Seite vermache ich den Brüdern Franz und Anton Mohelnicky bis zu Ihrem Tode, anschließend nach Ihrem Tode geht es in den Besitz ihrer Kinder über. Aus diesen Feldern müssen 200 k str. gezahlt werden von den 120 Kstr. nach Selcan [page 2 of Viktor's translation:] Im [im] Beraunerkreis [Beraunerkreis not written in original document and is incorrect] 7 mil

[7 horse miles = 49 kilometers] von Prag entfernt der genannten Kirche, Kirche der Muttergottes maria [Maria] in der Neu Stadt vermache ich zum Gebrauch von Jahr zu Jahr und Zwar [zwar] am Gründonerstag [Gründonnerstag] dem bewussten p. Dekanat 3 k. 45 kstr. als Almosen für die Armen zuverteilen und für drei Messen für mein Seelenheil und zwar am Zuhalten.

            a) 1 Messe an meinem Geburtstag am 21. Dezember

            b) 2 Messe am Mittwoch vor Gründonnerstag

            c) 3 Messe am 5. April am hl. Vinzens.

11.) Dann vermache ich dem Kind Barbara Hlasivec, geborene Mohelnicky wohhaft [wohnhaft] in Pribram 40 kr. str. und meinem nicht leiblichen Enkel Josef Hochov 40 kstr.

12.) Ich ordne an, das Antonia Mohelnicky den Rest hinter dem Tor übrig gebliebene Sachen solange alle meine privaten Schulden nämlich für Konavsky kapital [Kapital] 200 zlstr. und Herrn Dr. Neureuter 148 zlstr. Und Cesmakovy 120 zlstr. bezahlt werden. Nicht bezahlt werden die Verwaltungskosten, sie soll das Getreide ernten und wie ausgemacht verkaufen und ihre Ausgaben abziehen und sie muss jedes Jahr eine Abrechnung mit Rechnungsbelegen an den zweiten Bruder aufgegliedert zur Überprüfung geben und jedes Jahr 40 zlstr. als lebensunterhalt [Lebensunterhalt] bekommen. Die Aufstellung von 80 str. welche in die Hand von Katharine Hanzikov fließen werden eingetragen und werden quittiert. Von den 20 dieser privaten ausgezahlten Schulden hat jeder Bruder das Anrecht über die vermachten Grundstücke anzunehmen und diese zu benützen. Über die Fundavgelder [Fundabgelder] welche 680 fstr. Betragen [betragen] und auf allen Grundstücken Versicherungen (Sicherungen) liegen Da ist mein Bruder Josef Mohelnicky verpflichtet diese selber zuzahlen und zwar weil ich an in [ihn] am meisten gedacht habe und er auch am meisten erbt.

13.) Wenn es aber sein sollte, das eines der Kinder meiner drei genannten Brüder seine Volljährigkeit erreicht hat und eine eigenen Versorgung hätte dann bekommt er 40 zlstr. aus der Kasse mit Abschlag auf sein Erbe.

14.) Das übrige was aus meinem hoffentlich noch übrig gebliebene Schuldenfreies Kapital, erhalten die Kinder meiner drei Brüder weil diese universale Kinder sind.

15.) Katherina Kunov gebe ich das Kissen zurück welches sie mir mir 12 zlstr. zur Verfügung stellt.

16.) Verschiedene Bettbezüge, 2 Kopfkissen und drei Stück Bettbezüge vermache ich Bruder Anton.

17.) Zur Testamentvollstreckung über den Nachlass bestimme ich P. M. Dr. Ondrej Neureuter weil er sich über alles gewissenhaft und über meinen letzten Willen Kümmern [kümmern] wird.

Zum Schluß schließe ich meinen letzten Willen im Namen der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit wie ich auch am Anfang begonnen habe und hoffe das das ruhmreiche Magistrat dieses ausführen wird vor allem bei ausfüllen der jeweiligen Formulare behilflich ist.

Aufgestellt im Prag am 25 Oktober 1825

Vincensius Mohelnicky (gestorben am 9. April 1826)

Problems with Translations:

The Last Will was owned by Josef Mohelnicky of Prague in March 2000. Josef had a 6-page handwritten original in Czech language, and a 3-page typed Czech transcription.

The Last Will was transcribed and translated many times:

1) Transcription from Czech handwriting to Czech typewriting.

2) Translation from Czech typewritten transcription to German.

3) Translation from German translation to English.

4) Translation from Czech typewritten transcription to English.

Notes regarding paragraph 8:

Several other discrepancies in name spellings were found among the Original Czech handwritten document, Original Czech transcription, and the 3 later translations (Czech to German, Czech to English, German to English).

Other problems: Not every word was translated in the 3 translations; there are some typos by the translators; legal language and old Czech terms were used in the original causing problems with translations; and there are the normal problems of translating names to another language.

Could the following be the same person as Vincensius Mohelnicky, author of the 1825 will? The will says Vincensius died in 1826. The Schematismus books date to 1830. However, the will (paragraph 4) lists the address of Vincensius and his wife Ludmila as Bischöflichen Hof Nr. 1146/2.

Schematismus für das Königreich Böhmen

[House owners in Neustadt, the "new" city of Prague, Czech Republic. Bischofshof is the street name. 1146 is the house number. The "old" city of Prague includes the homes around the castle. In 1348 the "new" city was built. The Czech name for Neustadt is Nové Město.]


Page 567NeustadtBischofshof1146 -- -- Vinzenz Mohelnitzky


Page 569NeustadtBischofshof1146 -- --  Vinzenz Mohelnitzky


Page 640TuchmacherObervorsteher, Hr. Vinzenz MohelnitzkyHauptviertel: 2Nr. 1146


Page 648

Obervorsteher, Hr. Vinzenz MohelnitzkyHauptviertel: 2Nr. 1146

Notes by Paul C. Miller, January 2007:  

"There are a couple of currency terms used here that I don't know: zl., zl. str., k str.  Also, a unit of land measure is used, "Bohemian ell" that needs an equivalent. A google site stated an ell = 59.27 cm, but I don't know how accurate this is.  #12 still needs some work, especially the part with the word "Fundavgelder".  This looks like a typo in the original, and the closest I can come is "Fund Abgelder" which is some kind of discounted funds, but I don't know how that fits. Also, in #14, "universale Kinder" is mentioned. Literally this translates as  "universal children" but I don't know what it means."

Notes by Diether Caspritz, January 2007:  

"zl. could mean Zloty, today still a Polish currency, K stood for Krone. I have no explanation for str. 

An ell was a measure of length mainly used for cloth. I found sizes between 57 and 83 cm depending on the area and time. Often the measure was carved into a stone of an official building (e.g. the town hall) near the market place, to enable merchants and customers calibrate their own measures."

Notes by Vera Nagel, January 2007: 

"[Regarding] questionable term #12 "Fundavgelder" and the German [word] "Fund Abgelder" - my best guess (***but have to clearly admit that I am not totally sure!!***) would be that this term may either refer to something similar like "basic (fundamental) obligations to pay (charges / duties / taxes)" or the like. In German something like "fundamentale Abgelder / Abgaben." Or to be even more specific, may mean something like "property tax." In German something like "Grundbesitzabgaben / Grundsteuern."

"Regarding #14 - universal children - 

So with my no doubt only limited understanding of Czech I would assume that this part of the sentence expresses that the testator wanted to pass the remainder of any of the rest of this assets to the children of his three brothers as a group of people without giving any kind of quote for each of them or the like. Or to say it in different words - wants to dedicate the remainder of any rest of this assets globally to the group of children of his three brothers."

Notes by Zdenek Moravcik, January 2007:

English Translation from German Translation

Translation by Paul C. Miller, January 2007

Last Will

In the name of the Triune God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I entrust  my soul to God and my body to the earth, from which it was created, and hope for the grace and clemency earned by our dear Jesus Christ, that He will forgive me my sins; and hereby make known my last Will, as follows:

1) I direct that my body, according to the Christian Catholic Church, inasmuch as it belongs to the old Czech citizens who settled Prague, be buried on the second day after death, and that after the burial, 10 Masses for the salvation of my soul be celebrated in St. Peter's church. After these Masses have been read, the priest is to divide 30 [zl.] among 40 poor people of St. Peter's parish. My brothers, together, are requested to provide the funds for the burial expenses and 20 [zl.] for the poor people of St. Peter's parish.

2) To the poor house I bequeath 8 [zl. str.] as well as 4 [zl. str] to the alms house for veterans.

3) To Josef Dvorak, the son of my deceased sister Elisabeth Mohelnicky Dvorak, I am giving only 40 [str.] and this is because he never conducted himself as appropriate for a young man, and never obeyed me.

4) Concerning my additional property, I direct that after my death, my half of the house in the bishop's yard(?), recorded by the notary as #1146/2, in which my wife Ludmila Mohelnicky and I reside, pass to her until her death.

5) After her death I bequeath my half of the house to my brother, Anton Mohelnicky, master cloth maker residing in Selcany, until his death, and after his death it will become the property of his children.

6) The field behind the river gate, map #18, from the middle roadway to the Pilgerwand [pilgrim's wall?], together amounting to about 34 Bohemian ell in width, I bequeath to my primary (beneficiary) brother Mohelnicky as his property.

7) To my second brother Josef Mohelnicky, master cloth maker residing in Hraniz/Mähren, I bequeath, until his death, and thereafter as the property of his children, the front part of my house in the Karolinental, #28, on the left side of the street, as well as the field which lies next to the street, which is map #2, and stretches to Kindlovec; together comprising at least 29/12 Bohemian ell in width.

8) The rear part of the house, to the water, #28 in the Karolinental, with the three structures, the machine room with the potter's kiln, I bequeath to Franz Mohelnicky, [occupation: cajkář or cajkanský mistr - an old term for weaver or weaver master] residing in Seefelden [Šenfeldu], until his death, and after his death, as the property of his children, in equal parts. The roadway from the upper house to the water must be maintained in good condition by both brothers, Josef and Franz Mohelnicky, and by their descendants, so that the renters always have unfettered access to the water, which flows through [by?] the lower part of the house; thus the roadway to the water will remain accessible for both parts of the house, for owners and renters. The yard between the upper and lower house will be divided, half for each house, and must remain accessible for the general use of the owners and renters. [See notes regarding paragraph 8]

9) The field, map #18. near the Kaiserstrasse, to the middle of the roadway, I bequeath to Josef and Franz Mohelnicky until their death, and after their death, it will pass as property to their children.

10) Field map #3 and 4, two tracts of land joined into one near the house on the left side, I bequeath to brothers Franz and Anton Mohelnicky until their death. After their death it shall pass as property to their children. From these fields, 200 [k str.] must be paid from which 120 [Kstr] to Selcan in the county of Berauner, 7 miles away from Prague, I bequeath to the church known as the Church of Mary, the Mother of God, in Neu Stadt, for use each year -  specifically to the aforementioned deanery on Holy Thursday, the sum of 3 Kronen, 4 [kstr.] to be distributed as alms to the poor; and for three Masses for the salvation of my soul to be celebrated:

a) the 1st Mass on my birthday, December 21

b) the 2nd Mass on the Wednesday before Holy Thursday

c) the 3rd Mass on April 5, the feast of St. Vinzenz

11) Next, I bequeath to the child Barbara Hlasivec, born Mohelnicky, residing in Pribam, 40 Kronen [str.] and to my uncle, of no blood relation, Josef Hochov, 40 [kstr.]

12) I decree that the remainder of the belongings behind the gate[1] should pass to Antonia Mohelnicky, save funds to pay off all my personal debts, specifically: 200 [zlstr] for Konavsky; 148 [zlstr] for Dr, Neureuter; and 120 [zlstr] for Cesmakovy. The administrative expenses will not be paid. She (Antonia) should harvest the grain, sell what is realized, and deduct her expenses. She must provide to both brothers a yearly accounting, supported by vouchers, itemized for purposes of review. Each year she will receive 40 [zlstr] for living expenses. The statement of 80 [str] which comes into the had of Katharina Hanzikov will be recorded and receipted. Of the 20 of these private, paid off debts, each brother has the right to assume title of the bequeathed tracts of land, and to use them. Concerning the [Fundavgelder? ?] which amounts to 680 [fstr.] and the insurance applicable to all of the tracts of land, my brother Josef Mohelnicky is obligated to pay these himself, and this is because I thought the most of him(?) and also because he is inheriting the most.

13) Should it happen that one of the children of my three named brothers reaches his age of majority and has support needs, he may receive 40[zlstr.] cash, deducted from his inheritance.

14) The remainder of any of the rest of my hopefully debt free assets will pass to the children of my three brothers, because they are universal children[??] .

15) To Katharina Kunov I return the pillow/cushion which she placed at my disposal for 12 [zlstr.]

16) Various bed linen - 2 pillows and 3 eiderdown loose covers I bequeath to brother Anton.

17) I appoint [P.M.?] Dr. Ondrej as executor of the estate because he is conscientious about everything and will take care of my Last Will.

I close my Last Will as I began it, in the name of the Holy Trinity. I hope that the honored municipal council/official will execute this and above all will be helpful in completing the respective forms.

Drafted in Prague on October 25, 1825

Vincensius Mohelnicky (died April 9, 1826)

Translation note by Paul, January 2007:

[1] I assume this refers to the gate at the entrance to the property?

English Translation from Czech transcription

Translation by Jan Kyrs from the Czech Republic, January 2007


In name of holy and undistinguishing triad God father, Son and Holy Ghost I am giving my soul to almighty God, my body then to the Earth/Ground that it has originated from, and I hope on present desert and mercy of Jesus Christ, for his forgiving my sins, and I am doing my following testament:

1.       I will you to bury my body according to Christian catholic habit, how the 1st master of the draper guild, and a settled Prague citizen should be buried. After the sepulture, ten masses will be immolated for my soul at St. Peter Church. Then 30 Florins (a unit of former currency) will be passed out to anybody of 40 poor people at the St. Peter rectory. As far as no corn for sale will be, then my brothers will pay burial costs as well as those 30 Florins for poor from cash.

2.       I device to the Poorhouse 8 Florins, and the Veteran house 4 Florins.

3.       I device to JOSEF DVORAK, the son after my deceased sister ALZBETA (Elisabeth) - married Dvorak, only 40 Silver coins since he had not behaved himself such a way as a young man ought to have behaved.

4.       As for other immovable of mime, i.e. the house # 1146/2 lying at/near the Bishops yards [bischöflichen Hof - Bischofshof] , and that I and my wife LUDMILA Mohelnicky are living in, I will her to use a half of the house after my death, and to rent the second one till the end of her life. She will use the rentals as improvement.

5.       After my wife’s death I will my brother ANTONIN MOHELNICKY, a draper master IN the town of SEDLCANY, that half of my house for using it. After his death it (that part of the house) will belong to his children.

6.       The field #18 (been situated at “gate Porici”), the width of which takes at least 34 Czech ells, becomes a property of my brother Antonin’s. He can use it as he wants to. 

7.       I will the front half of my house #28 in Karolinenthall [*] to my brother JOSEF MOHELNICKY, a draper master in the town of HRANICE NA MORAVE. Further, he will also get the field lying just opposite the house, the width of which is more than 29 ½   Czech ells. He can use it free till his death, and then the field will be inherited by his children.

8.      I am entailing the rear part of the house at river, #28 in Karolinenthal, consisting of three rooms and a barn (stabling), to my brother FRANTISEK MOHELNICKY – a ‘cejkan(?)” master [occupation: cajkář or cajkanský mistr - an old term for weaver or weaver master] in SCHOENFELD (German name of four present towns around Prague). He should use it till the end of his life.  After he dies, the house will belong to his children. Each of them will get the same part of it. However, the road leading from the house to river will be used by both brothers, i.e. Josef and Frantisek, in order they could bring water from the river. Friends and or flat-dwellers living in the front part of the house will be allowed to use the road as well.

9.      I am entailing Josef and Frantisek the field #18 at Emperor’s street. They will use it, and after they die the field [*] fall on their children.

10.  I am entailing the fields # 3 and # 4 /two fields joined in one/, next to the house on the left, to Josef and Frantisek Mohelnicky. After they die, these fields will fall on their children. Josef and Frantisek are obligatory on paying 200 three scores of silver coins taken from gain of these fields. They have to take over 120 of them to the church in Sedlcany /7 miles of Prague/. Interests of the amount will be used this way: 3 k. 45k (?) silver coins will be given to poor people as alms; and the dean will serve three masses for my soul on:

a)      December 21, my birth day

b)      That Wednesday before the Green Thursday

c)      April 5, St. Vincent Day

11.  Further, I am entailing 40 three scores of silver coins to the children of BARBORA HLASIVEC’s, born MOHELNICKY, in the town of PRIBRAM. My step grandson, JOSEF HOCH [*], will also inherit after me 40 three scores of silver coins.

12.  I enjoin ANTONIE MOHELNICKY to manage all estates behind the ‘Porici’ gate as long till all debts won’t be paid off (Konavsky funds – 200, physician Dr. Neureutr – 148, and Cesmanovsky - 120).  ANTONIE will corn the fields, do harvest, and sell corn. She will keep till expenses, and will have to give remaining money to Mr. Cundal, for my brothers and herself.  She will get not only 40 Florins each year (from Mr. Cundal), but also 3 silver coins of each “silver Florin” for her living.

That amount of 80 silver coins for KATERINA HANZLIK has been paid, and I have got two receipts on that.

After all of these private debts are paid off, brothers are allowed to undertake their inherited property, and use it. As for fund money, taking 680 f. silver coins, and which has been insured, brothers Josef will have to pay it himself since he is going to inherit the most.

13. If it happens that any of those children of my brothers’ reach his/her adulthood, and would need to be established, then it will get 40 silver Florins as its inheritance.

14. If some money happens to remain, then it will belong to brother’s children as they are universal heritors.

15. I am giving back Katerina Kuna her cushion that she pawned me against her debt of 12 silver Florins for house rent. 

16. I am entailing brother Antonin two pillows and three feather-beds.

17. I assign M.P.Dr. (a physician, I guess) Neureuter for the executor of this testament and inheritance since I don’t doubt about his credibility. He has been familiar with my last will, and will do his best to fulfill/grant it.

I close my last will in the name of saint triad, as I started writing it.  This testament will be deposited in the Town Hall, and I ask magistrates for protecting it against any protest, and for its fulfillment.

This happened in Prague, on October 25, 1825.

Vincencius Mohelnicky

/he probably [*] died on April 9, 1826/

*Notes by Jan Kyrs:

The translation is more difficult then I had supposed it to be (ancient Czech language, and words that were used by attorneys at law then). I have not translated "word by word" since some words were strange for me.

Questions for Jan; Jan's answers:

Paragraph 7, regarding "Karolinenthall":

Paragraph 9, regarding this sentence: "They will use it, and after they die the filed fall on their children." ("filed"was a typo for "field"):

Paragraph 11, regarding a name:

Last line, regarding: "he probably died"

A dictionary definition of "entailing":

To limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs. To bestow or impose on a person or a specified succession of heirs.


Page 421XI. NeustadtBischofshof1146 --  --  Vinzenz Mohelnitzky

Karolinenthal - a street in Prague, Czech Republic

Source: Schematismus des Königreichs Böhmen: auf d. Jahr 1820.

Page 768-769, Fabriken auf dem Lande:

In der Vorstadt Karolinenthal zu Prag, hinter dem Spittelthore, befinden sich nachstedende zwey Kattundruckfabriken: 

Die Fabrik der Herren Beer Borges'schen Erben unter derselben Firma. Vorsteher Herr Angelus Borges. Man verfertigt gedruckte Kattune, Tüchel und gedruckte Leinwand. Verkaufsniederlagen sind in Prag und Wien. 

Die Rosenthaler Kattunfabrik der Herren Moises Jerusulem und L. B. Przibram, der zugleich Vorsteher ist. Die Erzeugnisse sind Kattun und Zig. Die Fabrik hat ihre Niederlagen in Prag, auf der Altstadt, Nr. 406, und in Wien, in der Wipplinger Strasse, Nr. 393.

[This info refers to paragraph 7 of the last will of Vincent Mohelnitzky].