The Last Dance

Audio Post Production



Our audio post production team worked on the music, sound design, dialogue and mixing for the short film The Last Dance, written by Jack Vanner, directed by Nathanael Ruback and produced by Madison Payne.

As a three person team roles were divided into:

  • Zane Melanie as Lead Audio Engineer - Editing & mixing of effects, sounds, dialogue and some musical elements.

  • Oliver Marsh as Composer/Sound Designer - Writing & building of the score alongside the film crew to achieve the desired outcome, sourcing effects and sounds to give the film a more realistic feel.

  • Reece Sheehan as Assistant Sound designer - Sourcing effects and sounds alongside the Sound Designer.


Oliver Marsh

Sound Designer/Composer


Zane Melanie

Lead Audio Engineer



Reece Sheehan

Assistant Sound Designer




An ageing man, Greg, is battling with an unknown disease as a result of his smoking addiction. With his daughters wedding approaching, he decides to take up dancing lessons in anticipation of the father-daughter dance. He perseveres through his ailment and learns to dance, with the film climaxing to reveal his sickness was treatable and him dancing with his daughter. She reveals to him that she is pregnant and he is left feeling content with the new direction his life is going.


Last Dance_Pro Res


  • Score arrangement, Ableton Live 10.

  • Dialogue automation, Pro Tools.

  • Score MIDI, Ableton Live 10.

  • Channel Organisation, Pro Tools.


As the sound team we had many challenging but rewarding tasks throughout the production of this film. We were first made aware of the project about half way through this trimester and all three of us were really impressed with the script and saw a lot of potential in the story. When production came around Oliver spent some time with the film crew doing some on set recording but a most of our work was to come in post production.

We spent our first few sessions doing some re-recording of the daughters phone lines. This was a fairly quick session but allowed us to start to get more of an understanding of what the film needed from us and how we were going to go about our work. Following these sessions we were handed some rough cuts of the film to start finding sounds that we needed to fix or insert such as alarm clock tones, phone ringing sounds and fixing some distorted dialogue. The rough cut proved to be somewhat of a saving grace in the end as it allowed us the head start we needed if we were any chance of meeting our deadline.

A large part of the sound came from the development and use of a score throughout the film. As lead sound designer and composer, Ollie began work on what would be the centre of all of our work. Taking into consideration the somewhat bleak and despondent theme of the film, Ollie wrote an emotional piece using a lot of strings and piano chords. He did really well to ensure the score flowed with the film, lowering with the lows and rising with the highs towards the happy ending. The final score was a product we were really impressed and ultimately satisfied with and something we thought not only complimented the film but also gave it an extra element of professionalism to go with what was already a stirring piece of work.

Provoking the intended emotions was one of our main focuses in this process. Although Ollie’s score was no doubt our main vehicle for emotive expression, there was still margin for error in the sound effects and levels of dialogue within the film. We wanted to ensure the film maintained its themes throughout and to make this happen we were very particular towards which sounds we used and how we went about keeping the levels as low and soft as we could. With this in mind, many hours went into sourcing sound effects and inserting them perfectly into the mix to the best that I could. Similarly, Zane’s focus on the dialogue, editing and mixing was to ensure the volume levels were carefully crafted and evoked no inconsistent or irrelevant emotion.

Although this process was not easy, it was positively challenging and brought out a lot of the creative juices we all possess. It was a new experience and something we all were excited to get stuck into and see what we could contribute to creating. In the end all three of us were reasonably happy with the work we had put in and how it eventuated. Our belief is that the sound work we have done has complimented the film well and polished off the amazing work the film crew had completed prior.

~ Reece Sheehan (Assistant Sound Designer)