Ceramics 1

Final Reflection

I am most proud of my historical coil pot. It took a lot of hard work and determination, both of which I had an abundance of. This was the most time consuming project I did all semester, and when it was finally complete I was able to look at it and say, "wow, I made that". I was amazed that I could use my knowledge of the coil technique to make something almost a foot high. It is sturdy and solid, which makes me even more proud because I know I made it strong enough to not break easily. I think it is so cool that I can say that I made, by hand, a coil pot.

I used to think that ceramics was a boring concept that was not necessary, but after taking this class I realize that I was SO wrong. I have learned patience, determination, and most importantly, how to use my imagination to make something. In the past I had made things in middle school like mini pinch pots or something small, but this class made me appreciate how much work actually goes into making pottery. I noticed that as the semester went by, my art work began to progress and become both cleaner and better. I tended to choose cooler colors for my glazes like blues and greens. In the end, I am very happy I took this class, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of art.

I would recommend that students are reminded more to take in-process pictures. Mainly because everyone got caught up in working on their projects so they completely forgot to take pictures. I would also recommend more roomy shelves for our work, and to fix the wobbly stools. All in all, I really enjoyed this class and don't have any other recommendations. Mr. Andreson is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He always motivates and pushes us to do our best work, and when we need help-he is always there.