Covid-19 Visual Response

The task for this project was to design a piece that captured our responses to the current global pandemic. I decided to make something that everyone across the world has been using: face masks. I had a hard time choosing between doing something with toilet paper and face masks, as they are by far the two most common themes in this whole situation, but I decided to not waste toilet paper as it is very valuable to have right now.

In order to make this piece I used pieces of left over fabric from cropping an old t-shirt. I figured that I could reuse the material in stead of going out and buying brand new. I uses hot glue to hold the mask together and shoelaces as ear pieces. I used a 4x6 inch piece of fabric for each mask and doubled the fabric to make it thicker. I eye balled the shoelaces and made one pair of ear pieces longer for one of the masks. As a final part of the masks I choose to write a message on each. "Breathe" is sarcastic because it is very hard to breathe with a mask on as the air gets stuffy and hot. "I'm smiling" is also sarcastic because the mask hides your mouth and does't let people see your emotion.

This project was a project I connected to the most, as I have had to wear a mask everywhere I go. I genuinely despise it but I understand that it is for the health and safety of both myself and others around me. I liked making this project because the pattern I followed to make it was simple and easy to understand and it did not cost me a thing to make. I would have used bigger pieces of fabric if I could have, but I was working only with what I had. I liked the final product mainly because of the messages on the front. My way of dealing with Covid-19 has been to make the best of it by being light hearted and laughing whenever possible. I get a kick out of my own sarcasm .