
I decided to make this project based off of the little succulent plants I have in my room, I thought that they would be a good subject to make out of sculpy because they are not very big, so they did not require a large amount of material. For materials I used sculpy, aluminum foil, sculpy tools, and a rolling pin. In order to make the plants dimensional, I layered leaves moving from the inside to the outside. While making this, I tried to pay attention to the way the leaves folded and what direction they faced.

I wanted my project to look natural and organic, I was not trying to make the leaves perfectly formed, because nature is not always a perfect form. I decided to add a few flowers to the main succulent because the green was boring all by itself. The tiny plant is supposed to be a simple, baby succulent, balancing out the space around the bigger one.

I unfortunately burned my project, but I decided to keep it the way it was because I thought it added character and changed up the color tones, making the plants unique. If I could have changed anything about this piece it would be that I wouldn't have made the bigger leaves textured, I would have left them smooth. I really like the size I chose for this project, it is not too big or too small.