Reflection Paper Sculpture

Because this is a sculpture that does not represent a story, to me, it does not have a setting, but the subject of this creation is an emotion. The emotion I chose to inspire this piece was "layered". The task of designing and building this was simple, we were given a single sheet of 18x18 white paper and were told to illustrate an emotion from last semester through said paper; and only that one piece. I chose to show the emotion "layered" by constructing a set of Russian doll-like boxes that fit into one another. I increased the size of each square by add 1.5 inches each time, and continued this until I ran out of paper. I chose to put the boxes inside one another because it created a layered effect, it showed that there was more to the sculpture than just the outside cube.

Throughout my piece I used informal balance, because although the boxes are each a different size, they follow the same shape and are steadily increased, not sporadically. I did not have to go back and change anything, but I did toy around with the idea of placing the boxes face down on one another and building something that was similar to a staircase. I did not follow through with this idea because I felt as though it did not capture the feeling of "layered".

The title of this piece represent all the new layers I discovered about both myself and my life throughout last semester. I look at it as a piece about growth outward and discovery of new levels of my abilities and opportunities. If I could change one thing about this piece it would be something small like doing a better job at erasing my guiding lines.