To The Finish Line

By: Jaselyn Garcia                                                                                           

1 more mile to go! The IU track club is happening right now, you can sign up here! It is January 8th to February 8 annually. 

At the IU track club there is more than just running. There are some different activities to choose from such as long jump, high jump, pole vault, running with hurdles, and of course cross country. There is this group called the explorers for 3-10 year olds and you try out every activity and they teach you how to do the activity. The other group is called the competitors. It is for 11-18 you get to choose which event you want to focus on. In the competitors you don't actually compete you are just at a competitive age. 

The IU track clubs meet at the indoor IU track building. The IU track club is for all genders. They meet up Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 6:30 to 8:00. It goes from December 8th to February 8th. When you get there you choose what group you want to be in and the mentors they teach you how to do the activity. 

I interviewed my friend ,Sawyer Hancock, who takes part in this program. Sawyer does long jump and sprinting as her activities. She is in the competitors group because she knows what she is doing and she has done this before. ¨When you first get there you do 2 laps around the track and stretches based on your activity. Then after you just work with your mentor on the activity you've chosen.¨ 

You should definitely try this out. You can always switch your activity if you don't like it. If you're interested in this click this link to sign up.