EJHS March Madness Food Bracket

By: Houston Mclain 4/10/24

With March Madness currently happening, EJHS has decided to do a March madness food bracket. How it works is when you get your food and eat it, you put your trash in the bin that is labeled with the food you like more. The first day, it was Salisbury steak and Burgers. The decision was definitely split, some people even standing by the trash cans to coerce people into putting their trash in a certain bin. Students clearly enjoy this event as it celebrates one of the most exhilarating sport tournaments ever, March Madness, and allows kids to have a say in what they have for lunch.

Amanda Waits, a lunch lady at EJHS gave her input on the School March Madness Lunch Bracket. “We want to know what you guys enjoy eating. We also like to have fun here and it was a way to bring fun to lunch. It's neat to see the sixth grade class rally around their favorite dish and cheer it on.” This shows that the lunch ladies think that the sight of seeing the kids enjoy the bracket really brings more fun and excitement to their job. If the lunch ladies can have fun, it can better our time in the lunchroom by doing more fun activities.Not only do the lunch ladies like the bracket, the students like it too. 

Eric Peden, a 6th grade student says, “I like it because it shows the lunch ladies what we like and it allows us to have tastier food to eat.” Another 6th grade student, Cully Hancock says,”It's cool to see the students opinions on their favorite foods and see foods that you thought would win by a lot.” This shows that the bracket does not just seem amusing to the lunch ladies, but even the students do too.

The past few weeks, there have been several matchups in the School lunch bracket. The first day was Salisbury steak versus walking tacos. The outcome was walking tacos by a decent margin. The second matchup was chicken smackers and corn dogs. Corn dogs came on top of that one. Another one was bosco sticks versus burgers, and burgers won. This shows that there are a lot of matchups in the lunchroom that are fun and exhilarating. In the end, walking tacos came out with the championship win versus burgers.

The past few weeks, there have been several matchups in the School lunch bracket. The first day was Salisbury steak versus walking tacos. The outcome was walking tacos by a decent margin. The second matchup was chicken smackers and corn dogs. Corn dogs came on top of that one. Another one was bosco sticks versus burgers, and burgers won. This shows that there are a lot of matchups in the lunchroom that are fun and exhilarating. In the end, walking tacos came out with the championship win versus burgers.