By: Jack Welch       4/22/24

Do we need to have a traditional school schedule at Edgewood? There are a few types of school schedules but 2 of them are the traditional schedule and the block schedule. At Edgewood we have a block schedule where we have 8 periods and 4 a day but should we have a traditional schedule where we have 7 periods each day?

Would a Traditional Schedule be Better Than a Block Schedule?

I think that we should have a traditional schedule and one reason for that is that block schedule periods are really long. This makes traditional schedules better because classes are shorter and you have more brakes. For example says, “Block schedule critics argue that students (particularly at specific developmental stages) can't focus for lengthy periods, that information retention would suffer if classes aren't held every day.” This shows that if you have a block schedule that you might not be able to focus as well because they are so long. That is my first reason why I think that a traditional schedule would be better than a block schedule.                                              

The sixth grade school schedule.

Another reason why I think that Traditional schedules are better is that you have the same periods every day. This shows that traditional schedules are better because it is less confusing because there are not different periods every day. For example says, “Traditional schedules are more rigid which helps children develop better study habits as well as a sense of responsibility when it comes to completing tasks on time.” This shows that traditional schedules are better because it says that a more rigid schedule helps people develop better study habits and it helps people get better at finishing things on time. That is my second reason why traditional schedules are better than block schedules. 

My last reason why traditional schedules are better is that if you have a block schedule it is worse if you are absent. This shows that traditional schedules are better because if you have a block schedule and you miss a day you have a lot more make up work for each class than you would with a traditional schedule. For example The University of the People says “When students are out sick for a day, they may miss more in a block schedule than a traditional schedule. This is because classes are longer, so the day’s lesson may actually be like missing two lessons rather than one.” This shows that traditional schedules are better because it says that they miss more in a block schedule than a traditional schedule when they are absent. That is my last reason why traditional schedules are better.

Matthew Rouker says “I think that traditional schedules are better because the classes seem less overwhelming.” For those reasons and more I think that Traditional schedules are better than block schedules.