Pokémon Cards or Baseball Cards

By: Tatum Robertson       5/20/24

Gotta catch ‘em all! Pokemon cards are amazing! Some loyal baseball fans who like seeing their heroes on paper may disagree, saying that baseball is better, but really, what can you do with baseball cards besides collecting random ones? But Neveya Scott shines a light on the fact that even some loyal sports fans may even enjoy Pokemon over baseball. “Pokemon is classical”, she comments. Fourteen out of twenty people prefer Pokemon cards over baseball cards, and for good reason. There are so many things that you can do with Pokemon cards! "I love Pokemon cards", says Evan Robertson, a student at EIS.

Pokemon cards come in numbered sets and are easy to organize by set number. All of the sets have names as well, like “Brilliant Stars” or “Shining Fates''. Another way to organize Pokémon cards is by their pokédex number, which is shown under the picture of the actual Pokémon. A third way to sort the Pocket Monsters is by energy type, which is shown in the top right corner of the card. A Pokémon’s energy type can be fire, water, grass, and many more. Yet another way to sort them is by stage evolution: putting the “Basic” cards together, the “Stage 1” cards together, and the “Stage 2” cards together as well. Finally, the fifth way to sort Pokémon cards is by strength and health, which is shown next to the energies and on the attacks on the cards. There are probably even more ways to sort them, and boy, are there many!

Something else that you can do with Pokemon cards is play the official game. Multiple people including EJHS 6th graders Clive Williams and Izabella Gallagher think that pokemon cards are better than baseball cards because you can play with them. This is a very fun game to play, and many people collect cards so that they can build a strong deck. The game is usually played with two players who each have a deck and use their Pokemon's attack and hurt the opponent’s Pokemon. You can also use trainer cards and energy cards to help your Pokemon win against the other player. You finally win when you take all of your prize cards by defeating your opponent’s Pokemon, for each of which (unless the card says otherwise) you get a prize card. The only setback of playing the game is that there are a lot of rules to remember.

Something that makes the cards look amazing is the art that was drawn on them. They were not just drawn by one person, but many different people. The variety of artwork looks very nice. There have also been many different designs for the cards themselves. Some of the newer designs have silver edging, unlike many of the older designs. There are also some differences between the holographic cards in the varying cards that were made, such as the way that they shine and the different ways that they put the energies on the cards. And lastly, there is the fact that there are different types of cards, like “V” cards, and “EX” cards. “I just think that Pokemon cards look cool”, says Garrett Hodge, A 6th grade student at EJHS.

Frankly, Pokémon cards are just amazing, and if you are interested in any of these things, then Pokemon is certainly the thing for you!