How is EJHS evolving next school year?

By: Lynlee Crouch & Katelyn Ripley

And with that the 2023-2024 school year comes to an end! As the year is ending EJHS students are all wondering what changes are being made next school year. Or how many changes are being made? We have come together with different staff members from EJHS to get information on next school year's plans. We talked to Mrs.Jones (6th-grade social studies teacher) whose last year will be the 2024-2025 school year, Mrs. Schlemmer, a guidance counselor at EJHS, and Mr.Rentschler, head principal. 

EJHS is a fun place for many students to come and learn but students have a fair share of things they want to change. The EJHS journalism students say they want, “ longer lunch, unblocked sites, and some of the menu options to change.” “There are not many changes but a few minor changes being made. Like lunches. A possible sport change could be CrossFit other than horsepower. Some rule changes focus on flex. But there are just some small things students most likely won't be affected by very much, said Mr.Renstler. What benefits would this bring to EJHS?

Well, what is CrossFit? Crossfit emphasizes functional movements that mimic real-life activities. It would help students by incorporating a wide range of movements and training modalities, CrossFit helps teen athletes improve their endurance, speed, agility, coordination, and overall physical fitness, ultimately leading to enhanced sports performance. Mr. Sparks EJHS PE teacher explained, “ I will be around for it, but will not be the main person. Ms. Jackson from Hoosier CrossFit will be the main director.”  

Mrs.Jones the 6th grade civics/social studies teacher runs the main things at EJHS. She runs Pumpkin Fest, a debate club, and one of the most famous is the D.C. trip where students take a trip to the US capital. Mrs. Jones said that everything would stay the same there would still be pumpkin fest and debate club and hopefully the D.C. trip’” Getting to go to Washington D.C. is an amazing experience and it gives you a feeling of going somewhere on your own but you are still in the safety of an adult, “ says one Terrell who wants more students to experience this once in a lifetime trip. 

Mrs. Schlemmer “I'm not aware of any changes happening to the guidance department. There will be a few schedule changes but none of our students will notice. Some field trip changes will occur like an 8th-grade field trip.” field trips might change but what does that mean for the school itself? Well, the EJHS current 7th graders who will be in eighth grade will go on something called a career cruise field trip. But nothing much will change for 6th grade; everything will pretty much stay the same and the same for 7th. 

EJHS student council issued a committee regarding changes students wanted to make to the school. The committee was made for students to be able to speak their minds and let the administrators know what they think EJHS needs. Things like having phones and a backpack in class came up but the main thing was that the start time should be later. After a meeting with the principal, it could come true with some more work. The student voice committee member Brooklyn Wilson says,“I hope that we have later start times because that would be so much better for our learning.”

Students at EJHS may want changes, but we won't know all the changes until the next school year begins. EJHS is already great, and administrators, students, and many more want it to improve.

Author bio: lynlee crouch is a 6th grader who loves to write and hang with friends in her freetime

author bio: katelyn Ripley is a 6th grader who loves to play and watch basketball and loves to do crafts