The State Competition Is Here for Edgewood Winter Percussion.

By: Jack Welch               4/9/24

Did Edgewood win again? So if you don’t know what winter Percussion is, it is like Marching Band but only with percussion instruments and indoors. The season is coming to an end but the state competition is here. 

In the past Edgewood has done very good and won several times in their class at state but did they win state again? The state competition for Winter Percussion was at The Hulman Center at Indiana State University on Saturday, April 6. In the past Edgewood has done very well at state for Winter Percussion, But Aaron Wells the high school band director says that “We have won 2 state championships for Winter Percussion.” For Winter Percussion they won the state championships two years in a row! And they have also won state two years in a row for marching band now. So if they win state for Winter percussion again they will have won 3 years in a row.

A competition this year.

The Winter percussion show this year is called “Spy vs Spy” and in the show two teams of spies fight against each other for a briefcase containing secret codes. Richie Maloney who is a senior in winter percussion says “The show this year is really cool and I like it because it has a lot of new things that shows in the past haven’t had.” Also Mr. Wells says, “I think that the season has been great and everyone has worked very hard this season.” Richie Maloney, like Mr. Wells says, “I think that the season has gone great because we have gotten first at many competitions and we are neck and neck with our two main competitors.” Mr. Wells says that now they usually make it to state and that the last time they didn’t was 7 or 8 years ago.

State last year.

Well you know how well some people think that they have done so far this season leading up to state but how well do people think they will do at state this year? Well Richie says that he thinks that if they keep up how they are doing right now that they have a fighting chance. Like Richie, Mr. Wells says that he thinks they have a good chance to win and that he thinks they will definitely place in the top three. Also Richie says that if they win they will have won 3 years in a row and it will be the first time in IPA (Indiana Percussion Association) history that a group has won 3 years in a row. Lastly Richie said that It’s exciting to play at state and it’s really fun and he is not very nervous because he has done it so many times.

Now you know when state was, what it was like at state, and what people were thinking about state. Edgewood when they played at state played really well and ended up setting a record for winning three state championships in a row.