The Marching Band Camp For 2024

By: Jack Welch                                                                                                                    5/16/24

Have you ever heard of the camp for the Edgewood marching band? Well if not it is a camp that happens over the summer for the high school and the 8th grade students who are in marching band.

Mr Koehler who is the junior high school band teacher says that “Band camp is a week long camp where the marching band students learn the movements and music for some of their show.” Mr Koehler also says “While at the band camp I am still writing some of the music so while there I finish that and also help the students learn the show.” While at band camp and throughout the year the people in marching band need people to teach them the music and all of the other things for the show they will do. So at band camp and throughout the rest of the season there are about 15 to 20 people who help out with marching band including the band teachers Mr Koehler and Mr Wells. So at band camp there are somewhere around one hundred people including all the helpers.

The marching band at a practice.

You might be wondering where band camp is going to be. Well, band camp has been at a lot of different places in previous years but this year it will be at Vincennes University like it was last year. And as Mr Koehler says most of the students in the marching band like having it there. And as Ben Welch says that It is a good place that he likes for band camp. Also, this year band camp is going to be on Sunday, July 21 through Friday, July 26 so it is going to be about a week long. Also Mr Koehler says that “There is also a mini band camp for the people in marching band that is about 5 practices at the high school a little bit before the actual band camp.”

The marching band practicing

As Ben Welch says, “Band camp can sometimes be pretty hard but it also can be pretty fun.” A few parts of band camp that Ben says he likes are getting to be around friends for almost a week and the meals. Well now you know what a students favorite parts of the band camp are but what are a few of someone else's favorite parts? Well Mr Koehler says “I like getting to see everyone learn the music and work together to put all of the music together.” Overall they both agree that the marching band camp can be hard but is a great experience.

Well now you know what the marching band camp is, what they do at the camp,  and more. Overall the marching band camp is a great experience and a good time for the people in the marching band.