Open Gym Volleyball 2024

By: Miya Braker

Picture this: You have a ball in your hand. Your right foot is forward and your left foot is back. Your left hand is infront of you, with a ball. Your right arm is in the air ready to smack the ball. You toss the ball up and hit it over the net as far as you can. To make the school volleyball team you should go to the open gym on Fridays after school with Coach Edge.

Volleyball is ranked a hard sport so here are some tips on how to play. To play volleyball you must hit the ball in a bump, set, spike pattern. To get a point you must hit the ball to the opponents side of the net by starting with a serve behind the far line. To win volleyball you must win a match of 25 points and you must be 2 points ahead of the other team. If the teams tie they will play a set to 15; whichever team wins out of that set wins the game. 

The gym is open every Friday until May 17, 2024 because that´s the day for tryouts. If you are wanting to participate or tryout for volleyball you should come to the open gyms Coach Edge recommends it. ¨I think I might make the team because I´m a great server,¨ says a 6th grade student. On the team Coach Edge is looking for someone who is committed, has a good personality, a good server, setter, or hitter. You don´t have to have all of these things, if you practice just at one you might make it.

When your in the open gym the 1st thing you do is  run 2 laps around the court. The 2nd thing you do is stretch always. Coach Edge has all the stretches planned out. From the far line to the net back and forth. After stretches we line up 50/50 on both sides of the net; the person your lined up with is your partner. Isabel Branam says, ¨My favorite part is hitting the ball against the wall.¨ You get a ball and pass it back and forth. Coach Edge will tell you how to pass and every so often you ´ ll switch sides with your partner. This will tell you what we do in open gym.

You should try volleyball even if you don ´ t make the school ´ s team it will be something new to try. If you find you have an interest in volleyball practice over the summer and when the time comes around for tryouts you´ll have a better chance of making it.