Mental Health Awareness Month

Jasmine Puma


Mental Health Awareness Month is an important month that thousands of people around the world participate in. Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. This Month was made originally to increase awareness about the importance of mental health and awareness in Americans’ lives, and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. This article will be about this month, and the importance of how it affects us in our school.

This week, the school’s student council talked and made this week a theme about Mental Health Awareness Month. Monday was Pajama Day, Tuesday was Twin Day, where you dress up with your friends. Wednesday was Represent your Favorite Sports Day, where you wear a piece of clothing with your favorite sports team on it. Thursday was Wear your Favorite Band Tee, where you wore a shirt representing your favorite artist. And finally, Friday was Wear Green, in support of Mental Health.

The school came up with this week to show students how impactful Mental Health Awareness Month really is around our community. Even though you might not know it, plenty of our students at EJHS have things going on, and this month is their month to express that and have people be aware of what we can do to help those in need.

Some students at EJHS do have a say about this month! But not just students, teachers too! Mr. Anspaugh, the Journalism and ELA teacher at EJHS, has a say about this month. “I think mental health is often overlooked,” he said. “It’s an important month that shows the people we’re not all perfect.” Mr. Anspaugh wore green on Friday with all the other teachers to show support this month. (Mr. Anspaugh for president!!!!)

Mr. Anspaugh wearing green!

Callie Byers, wearing green AND pointing at the Mental Health sign!

Callie Beyers, a sixth grader at EJHS, also has something to say. “I think it’s a good way for people to know they are taken care of,” she said. “This month is important because it lets people know they’re not alone.” While Callie doesn’t know anyone who takes part in this month, she believes everyone should see the importance of this month.

In conclusion, Mental Health Awareness Month is an important month that symbolizes those who are going through hard times. You don’t need to look at someone to know that they’re going through something. The happiest person you know could be going through something you would’ve never guessed. Have a great May, and a happy spring!

Authors Bio: Jasmine Puma, a 6th grader at EJHS plans on doing Accents Choir during seventh grade!