Sephora Kids are Becoming Less Popular?

by: lynlee crouch

A few months ago the hype on social media was adults talking about their “tragic” experiences. Like not getting the product they wanted after another shopper usually in their mind a child or a tween get it. Now all people do is talk about their friend lingo which is a whole other thing. Let's recap back to the fall of 2023 and get into the history behind this topic.

In the fall of last year, many influencers were taking many apps by storm telling them about their “terrible, rude, and snooty” encounters with kids and tweens at Sephora. Specifically the drunk elephant section and other trending brands at the time. The rumor was they were destroying testers and leaving the product to dry up and become nasty. Many Sephora locations contemplated getting rid of testers altogether or even banning tweens and younger-aged kids.

” Sephora kids don’t go to Sephora, if there are kids there they are responsible and respectful,” said Emerson Desalle EJHS student. 

This was all in 2023 but now it's 2024. Let's get into when the shepora kids started to have a major decline in popularity. Well, people still talk about their “dreadful” visits to the Sephora but it's not as common. Most people have moved on to other trends now like trendy dances, popular audio, etc. Videos still pop up on some people's pages talking about teenagers and children in Sephora; usually blaming the messes that fellow shoppers make (that are not kids). All of these videos are usually for clout. Many messes do come from older shopers

This brings us to our next topic. Of course, 5-year-olds aren't going into a makeup store. They would rather play with a Barbie doll or play pretend with a baby. But now more than ever skincare is becoming more popular among many younger ages. Some kids are interested in skincare which isn't a bad thing due to the fact that skincare helps alleviate stress, promote relaxation, boost confidence, and improve our overall mental clarity. Having good mental clarity can help better mental and physical health, motivate the human body,  impact your energy, help engagement skills, and better relationships, and overall help create greater success in life. 

Overall Sephora workers since then they have treated tweens and teens differently thinking they are going to ruin something in the store. Like following people, watching them closely, and asking if they need help almost immediately when you step in.

Overall the hype has died down and not many influencers talk about them anymore. Some influencers never hated Sephora kids. But some generally were bullying innocent children. Is it right for grown adults to bully kids? No. but now that the ruckus has died down kids can finally enter Sephora peacefully.

Author Bio: Lynlee is a 6th grade who loves to write and hangout with friends.