Should Edgewood Have More Field Trips?

By: Addison Clark and Johanna Geboy                                                                      4/18/24

Andrew Wylie's house

Picture this: You are walking around and you see a house from the 1800, you go inside and your teacher tells you this was Andrew Wylie’s house. You may only see this on a field trip from Edgewood. We believe that Edgewood should have more field trips (educational or for fun). 

One reason Edgewood should have more field trips is because they will get to experience “the real world” instead of staying in school all the time. Field trips will give students the chance to explore the real world instead of being in school all year round. Explorable Places says,“As teachers, a field trip is one of the best tools that we can use to provide every student with real-world experiences.” Some students don’t even have the property and/or time to play or go outside so field trips would give them the opportunity to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and still learn about a certain topic. 

Another reason why Edgewood should take more field trips is because it will give students an academic impact. This picture shows that students who travel or→ go on field trips have a greater interest in the subject they are learning.” A recent study by Emilyn Ruble Whitesell showed that middle school students who participate in science field trips through the Urban Advantage program score better on the state science test.”States Explorable places. Also when you go on field trips you learn in a different/more interesting way which helps students remember the topic easier. Field trips will also help improve students' grade/learning experience because of a new person teaching in a different way. Students will also get access to social skills which leads me to my last reason, social skills.

Tools like social skills help kids get enrolled in clubs and help with school. Field trips help with social skills because students get to interact with each other and talk on field trips. Social skills in the future will help students get a job and more. So now you see how field trips help with social skills.

As you can see, field trips can help with a lot of skills needed like experiencing the “real world”, Academical impacts/Grades, and social skills. This is why we believe we should have more field trips.