Swimming To County 

By: Kierston Walker 

Is swimming hard? Does it make you work? Well yeah speaking of the swim team here at Edgewood, we have a swim team. It could be more pleasing, but the EJHS swim team goes to the county this Thursday. Although only a few 6th graders are going a lot of 8th graders that have been on the team for more than a year are competing. The EJHS swim team has lost only one meet.

The EJHS swim team has competed at Batchelor, Bedford, and Greencastle but those are only some of the away meets. In total Edgewood has competed 8 times including our county meet. Some of our female swimmers attending the county meet are Addison Clark, 6th graders. And Ella Jhonson an 8th grader. Also, Garrett Brown and Anderson Shertzer are male swimmers in the county lineup. 

But that's only a few our EJHS swim team has more than 50 students on it! Now swim coaches are the best. Have you ever had someone support you even if you didn't do your best, well that is what a swim coach is. EJHS swim coaches are Erica Musslewhite or you may know her as Mrs.Musslewhite Thow, and Christopher Straw or Mr. Straw. “Another thing I love about swim is the coaches! They are the best!”-Addison Clark 

Mr.Straw is an Edgewood science teacher and he teaches 6th grade. Mrs.Musslewhite is a health and wellness teacher who also teaches at Edgewood. At the end of the swim season, we have a meeting with our swim coaches. It will have a lot of food from parents and coaches for our swimmers at the end-of-the-year celebration!

Even though it's the end of the season our EJHS swim team did great! With times increasing and decreasing, swimmers beat their goals and faced multiple challenges. See you next season!      

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