
By: Emerson Kester

  Swimming is a fun and fast paced sport where you learn all of the techniques and how to become faster. Swimming is a very good sport and can help with asthma, it builds your stamina, endurance, coordination, muscles,discipline and can reduce stress from school or social problems. As Callen Robertson said, "swimming is a sport that appeals to a bigger group of people." This makes it overall better than gymnastics.

 Swimming at the pool with a group of friends will make swimming that much more fun, because you will share their experiences with others your age, which will have a positive impact on your social health and well-being. The emotional benefits of swimming are not as well-known. Our emotions are complex. It’s clear that time in the water can be calming and therapeutic for us. Water is meant to cool, cleanse, and heal emotions, and we are no exception to these experiences. And emotional confidence can also be gained with learning to swim as well. 

Child Swimming in pool

The physical benefits of swimming are more studied and well known. “Swimming is an extraordinary sport; encouraging people to put their skills to the test and really push their limits,” as Jasmine Puma said. When we swim in a pool, lake, pond, or ocean, our brains release endorphins that are designed to make us feel happy. Swimming also builds endurance, keeping our hearts healthy. Swimming also builds muscle, burns calories, and invigorates our bodies.

Man swimming breaststroke

Swimming is fun and it has so many benefits. Learning to swim is great for the body, mind, and spirit. It doesn’t take an expert to see why swimming is so much fun.  Swimming is a fun and fast sport where you learn how to become faster. and can help with asthma, it builds your stamina, endurance, coordination, muscles,discipline and can reduce stress from school or social problems. It does so much more than gymnastics and provides a fun experience for all. 

Author bio: Emerson Kester is an 11 year old girl at EJHS who loves swimming, playing with her dogs, and most importantly loves to sleep.

Sources: betterhealth.vic.gov.au