Cock Fighting the Illegal Sport

By: Micah Lawrence 11/13/23

Did you ever think that some of the chicken you are eating may have been a monster? Maybe a murderer in disguise? Well, today I’ll be discussing some things that the chicken you’re eating might have done before they’re eaten.

A Cockfight In action.

First, I’m going to tell everyone and explain that Cockfighting is BAD, and here’s why. One of the only reasons is because it’s pure animal cruelty. Chickens are put in a pit forced to fight for their lives and then there are people around the pit watching and laughing for entertainment. Now let's say that you were a rooster and you were trained to kill and fight, then you were taken away and put in a pit with people around it watching you fight, and when you’re bleeding and dying after fighting you see people cheering and betting money on you. Wouldn’t that just make you sad dying knowing that your whole life was spent training and fighting, then you got killed in a pit for the entertainment of humans? Well, that is why it is banned and Illegal in not one, not two, not even 20 states but completely illegal in every town, city, county, and state in the entire U.S.

According to ASPCA,  “The possession of birds for fighting purposes is prohibited in 39 states and the District of Columbia, and being a spectator at a cockfighting event is illegal in 43 states and the District of Columbia.” Did you know that doing anything in the sentence above could land you in jail for up to a year or even get you a fine of up to $10,000? The U.S. is strict about animal fighting because it is so cruel and bad and current EJHS 6th grader Matthew Rouker strongly agrees.  “Cockfighting is rightfully illegal and participating in it is animal cruelty.” Matthew Rouker.

Due to the amount of blood and death, Cockfighting is considered a “blood sport.” Some other blood sports are dogfighting bullfighting, or any other sports that include 2 animals fighting to the death. According to Sac County,  “In some types of cockfighting, the animals use the natural bony spurs on their legs to inflict damage.” Sometimes the owners of the chickens will even attach metal to cover their spurs and hurt the other chickens even more.

Metal Spur Getting attatched to rooster

I hope by reading my article you know what Cockfighting is and why it’s so bad to participate in. Thank you for reading.