Biggest Sports Stadiums Ever Built

By: Bricen Collins 9/12/23

Have you ever been to a live sports game, and if you have, were you wondering how the heck people build stadiums that big! Well I remember I went to an NBA game and I was amazed about how big it was, so today I want to share that feeling with you, we will be talking about and reviewing the biggest sports stadiums ever built.

The first stadium we are going to talk about, and the third biggest stadium ever built is the Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor, United States, with a capacity of 107,601 Spectators. The Michigan Stadium is also known as the Big House. This stadium is mostly used for American football matches and is the home of the Michigan Football team. Although it's a football stadium it has hosted other events such as concerts and hockey games.

The second stadium we're gonna talk about next is the 2nd largest stadium ever built. The name of this stadium is the Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, it was built on May 1st 1989, with a capacity of 114,000. Pyongyang, North Korea. It was built to host football matches and other sporting events. The thing that is really impressive about it, is its architecture, it has 16 arches in total which makes it look like a giant mongolia from above. This stadium is one of the most well known things about North Korea and the Jewel of Pyongyang.

And finally the last stadium, largest of them all with a whopping capacity of 132,000. This is the Narendra Modi Stadium. It was built in 1982 and was recently renovated in 2006. You can find this beauty in Gujarat, India. This amazing creation was built to amaze the world with the best sports experience you can imagine Including a giant field, lots of food and many many things that will keep you entertained during the game of course that is assuming you get bored of the actual game.

If you have not been to a live sports game then you should definitely get to one because it is a much better experience than just watching it from the couch. Plus if you get to see a stadium then it will bring you into a world of amazement when you see the big arches or rows of seats that seem to go for miles. So if you have not been to a sports stadium before you need to get to one, I promise it will be a good time.