What Are Students Plans For The Summer? 

4/22/24                                                                                                                                                                                                                      By: Emerson DeSalle

Students look forward to all of the breaks during the school year. The most popular break is the summer break, a long 2 month break! The 2023-24 school year has 5-6 weeks until summer break begins. What are the EJHS students' plans for the end of the school year and the summer? 

This is a photo of Dorothy!

Dorothy Hamilton is a 7th grader that has a lot of plans for this summer! Dorothy says, “I am so excited for summer because I don’t have to worry about school work!” Instead of worrying about school work this summer, Dorothy will be going to Washington DC, Hawaii and Montana! Dorothy is excited about all her vacations but she is most excited about her trip to Hawaii!

Miriam Faulkenberg is a 7th grader that is spending time with her family for the summer! Miriam said, “I’m excited for summer because I don’t have to be stressed every day.” This summer Miriam is spending a month with her mom! Miriam’s favorite summer treat is popsicles, she plans on getting some mango popsicles with her family! 

Ella Johnson is an 8th grader that is excited to prepare for highschool. Ella says, “I’m excited for summer because I can have a break and prepare for highschool!” This summer Ella is going on a family trip with her family, (they still haven’t decided where they are going) watching her younger sisters and going to a show choir camp in Ohio.

Goodbye school hello summer!

Maggie Johnson is a 6th grader who is excited to have a break from school. Maggie says, “I’m excited to have a break from school.” This summer Maggie will be going on a trip with her family, hanging out with her friends, and being babysat by her sister Ella.


This summer the EJHS students are going to have a lot of fun during the summer! 

Contributor bio: Emerson DeSalle is a 7th grader that loves to play tennis, color with her dad, ride her bike, and