The Alligator Snapping Turtle?

The Alligator Snapping Turtle?

By: Laura Chupp

You have probably heard of a snapping turtle, but have you heard of the Alligator Snapping Turtle? 50% of students that I asked don’t know what this is. Think about a normal snapping turtle, now make that a lot bigger and a lot meaner. They are really strong as well. But why do we think this?

One piece of evidence is that Britannica says they are the most vicious species of snapping turtles. These creatures may not have teeth but they have a sharp bony beak. It has a bite force of 1,000 pounds! These beasts are not ones to anger. Once, when I lived in Georgia, an Alligator snapping turtle was in the road. My mom decided to use our umbrella to give it a nudge toward the sidewalk so it would not get run over by cars. The alligator snapping turtle was safe, but we no longer have that umbrella.

“I tapped the glass and it tried to bite me,” describes Tyler Wadsworth, thinking of seeing one.

So, nervous about possibly meeting with one of these? They do live in Indiana but they’re endangered. It would be very rare to see one. Unlike the normal snapping turtle, they have ridges on their backs. They are around 65 lbs heavier than the common snapping turtle. Not to mention, they do have claws. Yeah, so fun to have as a pet, right? Actually no, even if you want one, they are illegal to have as a pet in almost every state. (I don’t know why you might want one.)

The Alligator Snapping Turtle we helped out of the road after a fierce battle.

Baby Alligator Snapping Turtle found in Woodgate Subdivision. (Bloomington, IN.)

 “We didn’t really mess with it but it was still aggressive toward us,” says David Shultz, a 6th grader at EJHS as he explains seeing an alligator snapping turtle. 

In the water, these beasts are calm and quiet actually. On land is when things get rough. Unlike a normal snapping turtle, the alligator snapping turtle can take a hand or foot! Moral of the story: don’t mess with them.

Overall, these creatures are cool and slightly dangerous. If you didn’t know what they were, you should know now. If you enjoyed this, show your friends. How do you feel about alligator snapping turtles? How would you rate this article? Give your opinion in the survey below.

Authors Bio

Laura is a 6th grader who loves to read, write, and draw. She loves her family and her dog Mabel. Her favorite subjects are ELA, Science, and Journalism. Laura loves to be with her friends.