My New Typewriter

By: Mason "Microwave" McCarty

I finally got a Royal Typewriter. After a while of looking my mom found this really nice Royal KMM Typewriter. It was in an auction which made me worried because I’ve tried many times to win a typewriter from an auction, but I had never succeeded. The other typewriters I’ve tried to win weren’t in the best condition, but the Royal KMM was in really good condition and it was really cheap for the condition it was in. I really wanted it

A Royal KMM Typewriter

There were around three days left in the auction when my mom placed the first bid. After a few hours other people started bidding. I kept asking my mom to counter bid, but she didn’t do anything until the last day. The typewriter got up to $25 then $26. It was after those bids that my mom decided to bid $27. She tried to bid more than $27 but the website wouldn’t let her. The auction ended somewhat late so I stayed up to see if we would win. The auction would have a soft close which means if someone bids in the last two minutes it would give the bid another two minutes until it closed. The typewriter stayed at $27 even with five minutes left. I reloaded the page every ten seconds at the final minute. I was surprised no one else bid for the typewriter, but luckily no one else did so I got it. My mom picked it up while I was at school. I was very excited to get the typewriter and when I finally did I was so happy to see how great the typewriter is.

An old Royal KMM advertisement

I’m pretty sure that the typewriter is from around the 1940’s most likely from 1946. I’ve been using it a lot and the ribbon is great and the Typewriter itself works amazingly well. The typewriter is surprisingly tall and quite heavy making it the biggest typewriter in my collection. The typewriter weighs around 38.5 pounds which made it somewhat difficult to carry it to my room when I got it.

I don't know where the typewriter was before the auction. I kind of want to know because it wasn’t that dusty when I got it. The only “dusty” parts were the keys and they weren’t even that dusty. The keys were pretty nice and you could tell that it is an old typewriter because it had a bunch of different keys like a ½ key, a ¼ key, and the tab key says TABULAR. There is also no 1 key on the typewriter because the lowercase L looks like a one. 

I still don’t know what I’m going to do with my typewriters. I’m probably going to keep writing letters. I’ve only written one letter on my new typewriter and it was to my idol Steven Spielberg. I am also planning on typing a letter to Tom Hanks because he made me want to collect more typewriters and he’s my favorite actor. The typewriters are starting to take up a lot of space in my room. I might have to move some of them into my closet or some other room. 

I plan to keep collecting typewriters until I feel like I should stop. I’m hoping that there will be a few typewriters at some garage sales this summer. I might see if anymore people have any offers for some of their old typewriters.

A picture of Steven Spielberg