EJHS Horsepower Underway


By: Ella Johnson 

You may have heard about Horsepower on the announcements on Friday. Or maybe you’ve seen a bunch of kids in the gym as you were leaving the school to go home. Horsepower is an afterschool program that takes place from right after school to 4:00. It's a great opportunity to grow your strength and conditioning for sports and other activities. It's also a great way to meet new people and have lots of fun.

When you go to Horsepower, you participate in many different strength-building activities throughout the hour and thirty minutes. One of the newer stations is the bleachers. Recently at Horsepower, there is a new strength-building station where you run and jump up stairs to build speed, strength, and agility. Other activities include box jumping, medicine ball passing, weight lifting, and the occasional jump rope. Jayla Howard, an 8th grader on the Edgewood Volleyball team says, "My favorite thing to do at horsepower is watch my skills get better and stronger. Horsepower helps with volleyball by making me faster and more self-aware.

As you arrive, you need to sign in at the desks in the front of the gym; then, everyone gets in line for warmups and stretches before splitting into groups of, girls, 8th-grade boys, and 7th and 6th-grade boys; next a group goes to the weight room and does box squats, bench presses, deadlifts, etc., another group will be doing box jumps, bleachers, and throwing medicine balls; then, about halfway the groups switch; finally shirts are handed out and some times we do core exercises with Mrs. Meyers. 

The main coaches who help with the activity are Ms. Meyers, Ms. Edgeman, Mr. Sparks, and Mr. Sieglin. All of them are very helpful and are open to sports and weight training-related questions. Mr. Sparks and Ms. Meyers are stationed in the weight room where they offers you professional tips for weight training and skills for strength building. Mr. Seiglin and Ms Edgeman are in the gym to help coach you on how hard you are working and strength and agility skills as 

From box jumping to weight-lifting, there are lots of fun and engaging strength building activities at horsepower. I hope this article informed you about horsepower, one of the many great opportunities at this school. See you there!