Debate Club Recall

By: Zoey Carter


EJHS has many fun activities, clubs, and sports. One club that started in January is called debate club which is a club where students get into groups and perform debates on the topics they choose. The starter of the debate club is Mrs. Jones and she started it because a student in her current events class asked her to make a debate club to which she said of course. The club needs help though. When it started there were about 21 kids, but in the most recent meet, there were only ten kids. Read this article to hear about debate club and maybe you could help by joining!

This is Mrs. Jones, the debate club teacher

Debate club only started last year so the group mostly includes 7th graders. It has a simple schedule of meeting every Friday after school from 2:30-3:30. Mrs. Jones, the teacher of this club, said she is very welcoming to new students joining the club and doesn't care too much about your debating knowledge. Debate club is extremely fun and entertaining without being boring. It is easy to learn the algorithm and doesn’t take much thought. Seeing people's opinions is amazing and a great learning experience. The people love to joke around and it is not very intense there.

The place is a very comfortable environment and shouldn’t stress you out. The club allows people to group with their friends and debate fun or serious topics. In Mrs. Jones current Events classes you also get to debate but it doesn’t have as much freedom as a club dedicated to it. Lynlee Crouch says, “I thought about joining the club but forgot about my activities i already participated in. I wish I did though it sounds like a fun club!”

The club is very fun, a great experience, and is a great way to spend a little bit of your afternoon. Mrs. Jones says “I think that learning debate helps students in a multitude of ways. It helps them to practice public speaking and get comfortable in it.” The club is very chill and lets you express yourself while being lively. The time is short and feels even shorter. Being with your friends at the club can help people who can't hang out with their friends outside of school and clubs which is great.

The debate set up

Debate club is a great club and needs lots of people to help. If you have time, and are interested, you should join. It doesn't matter if you have never debated before, or if you have done debates for years, you can join and help them work better and do more debates. If you joined, you could have a lot of fun and entertainment which helps with those long and boring afternoons!

Contributor Bio: 

Zoey Carter loves to hang out with her friends and reading books.