Baseball Starting Up

By: Cully Hancock 3-25-24

“The best time of the year!” 

The baseball season is starting and this is what  Brantlee Thacker thinks about the baseball season: “I think that it is a good team and will be a very fun year with all my teammates. I didn't really care about the tryouts being delayed because we still did them and got them done. About forty people tried out for the team and only 12 people made it on each team, that was cool because of the skill you would need and that is about half of the people that actually made the team rather than those who showed up but everybody did good at the tryouts and not making the team is a motivation to come back next and do better.”

Baseball originated in Cooperstown, New York and has 9 innings. A game with a total of 162 games a season and that is a total of 1458 innings a season if all games have nine innings. The average game is about three hours long. Each team has 9 players on the field when on defense there is 9 positions on the field and those are catcher, pitcher, first base, second base, shortstop, third base, left field, right field, and center field are all of the positions on the field.

Some interesting facts about baseball include the best baseball players of all time: 5. Ted Williams 4. Ty Cobb 3. Hank Aaron 2. Willie Mays 1. Babe Ruth. The most home runs in a game by a singular team is 10, accomplished by the Toronto Blue Jays in 1987. Most home runs in a game by both teams is 13, the Diamondbacks and Phillies did this in 2019. The previous record was held by the White Sox and Tigers with a total of 12 home runs in a singular game. Which is unbelievable for one game.

ESPN and U.S.A. Today for photos, information and statistics.