Barberry Homes 

Addison Clark       12/4/23


Edgewood Junior High School recently had a construction career panel held in the Library. If you went then you probably already know that there was a business called Barberry Homes and Realty that attended. You may have also seen their signs all over Ellettsville and wondered what they do.  In this article I am going to tell you about Barberry Homes and Realty and their role in Ellettsville, Indiana.

At Home

As you may have guessed Barberry Homes and Realty build and sell homes. What you may have not known is how they got their name. “We named our business after the 3 barberry bushes at our house because they were healthy and thriving just like our 3 children.” says Lindsey Clark, the owner of Barberry Realty. So what is life like at home for Josh and Lindsey Clark? “Fun.” says Josh clark.  Josh and Lindsey also love to do at-home projects.“Currently we are working on a workout area in our garage. And storage in our attic” Says Josh. This is just a little bit of what life is like at home for Josh and Lindsey.

The vision

Barberry Homes and Realty have already built eight houses in Barberry Lake Estates. They plan to build 68 houses total in the subdivision, therefore they will build 60 more houses. You may have been wondering what the vision is for Barberry Homes and Realty. “Barberry Lake Estates has already developed a strong community. It is close to the schools and we are going to have a walking path around the lake.” says Lindsey Clark. Barberry Homes is also planning to build a walking path to the Edgewood schools for the kids who live in their subdivision. 

The Owner

Josh Clark is the owner of Barberry Homes. He has his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Economics as well as a Masters Degree in Business. Josh went to Rose Hulman for his first degree and Indiana University for his Masters Degree. After college Josh worked at Boston Scientific, an engineering business. So how did he switch to home building? “Lindsey and I loved working together and we started remodeling old houses that needed some love.” Josh said.  “Seeing the end results, and creating beautiful homes for people and seeing how happy the people are” is what Josh says keeps him motivated and coming back to work every day. Josh has big plans for the future, but what does he plan to accomplish by the end of the year? “We will have two remodeling projects and hopefully 2 houses started by the end of this year.” 

If you are interested in the home building career path then I hope this helped you see what you can accomplish with just one little remodel home to a whole new business.