All about the EJHS Baking Club


By: Alana Armstrong

Enjoy making sweet treats? Come to the Baking Club at EJHS where 6th, 7th, and 8th graders have fun and learn about the importance of baking. Baking club gives kids an opportunity to bake treats ranging from chocolate chip cookies to even zucchini muffins! This article will explain everything about Baking Club that you need to know.

Baking Club is an event after school that has a lot of students hooked. 7th and 8th grade students have Baking Club on Mondays and 6th graders have the club on Tuesdays. It is a great way to make some new friends. Avery Micheal, a 6th grader in the baking club, says, “I like that you can bake any way you want and get to hang out with friends.” The baking club has been around at EJHS for three years and is hosted in Mrs. Musselwhite’s room because of the cooking tools and equipment needed to bake. Baking is loved by a lot of people all around the world, which makes this club very popular. 

One of the kitchens in Mrs. Musselwhite's room, where the baking club is held.

Carrie Koontz, the person who runs the baking club at EJHS, is liked by a lot of the students and is known as the computer science teacher at EJHS. Koontz says, “A student suggested a baking club and I said yes!” Baking club helps kids learn cooperation, life skills, and patience. Koontz’s favorite thing to bake is pizza or pie. Kids are allowed to email Koontz if they want to request something that they want to bake. Some students are even allowed to eat lunch in Koontz's room some days. Koontz also believes that she could see herself running the baking club again in the future.

Students also help out with school events by making baked goods. A recent event that the baking club students got to help out with was Pumpkinfest, an event held at EJHS. Eleanor McElroy, another 6th grader in baking club, states, “I think it impacted me in a good way, it helped me try new recipes. This is because I’ve never baked something with a completely new recipe.” Students were able to bake anything they wanted, as long as they baked it at home. There were treats like spider cupcakes and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Great treats to try! They set it up simply by having a table and some yummy treats.

Eleanor McElroy, a student in baking club.

Baking club is loved by lots of students. Laura Chupp, yet another 6th grader in baking club, states, “It is so much fun!” It is a great way to spend your time. It is also a nice place to relax and have fun! In a google form, 75 percent of students in the baking club feel comfortable there. Baking club is an amazing opportunity for all ages. Do you like to bake?

Contributor bio:

Alana is an 11 year old 6th grader who likes to hang out with her friends. She enjoys reading, drawing, cooking, and playing with her dog.