All About Mrs. Grubb


By:  Jackson Wells

If you have been walking around the hallway to go to the bathroom or something, then you might have walked past Mrs. Grubb’s classroom. Mrs. Grubb is a resources student that helps students with their extra needs. Today I will be telling you all about Mrs. Grubb.

Mrs. Grubb has been teaching in Texas for 15 years and at Edgewood Junior High for 5 years making this her 20th year teaching. “I went to college to get my degree in teaching and I always wanted to be a teacher when I was a kid and I had really good teachers in 1st and 2nd grade so that boosted the odds of me wanting to be a teacher,” says Mrs. Grubb. She also states that, “My favorite part of teaching kids is that I get to see them grow and I have gotten some notes from past students saying how much they grew because of my teaching that I gave them years ago.”

A picture of Mrs. Grubb

Many of Mrs. Grubbs' students say that she is a great teacher that helps them with their special needs. Sydney Walls states, “Mrs. Grubb is helping learn better ELA like learning sight words. She is also kind.” In my opinion, I think that if you need help with extra needs, Mrs. Grubb is your person to go to. She is very smart and kind and also helpful and popular with the students.

Mrs. Grubb states, “I trained to be a teacher for most of my life. I went to college for neurology and babysitted kids to earn money for college and just to see what it’s like to be a teacher if I still wanted to do it.” She also states, “I love working at EJHS and I work with some fabulous teachers and I enjoy the environment of EJHS.”

Some of the students that have Mrs. Grubb, like Maya Kelly says, “Mrs. Grubb is such a great teacher because she has a great sense of humor and is very funny.” And another one of her students Johnathan Freeman says, “I love Mrs. Grubb because she helps me concentrate and is very nice and sweet.”

Mrs. Grubb giving a class to her students.

Some of the teachers that work with Mrs. Grubb like Mrs. Sanders said, “Mrs. Grubb is a shining star with being a special education teacher. As an employee, she is always making sure her IA’s are in top shape to keep our students going.”

Overall Mrs. Grubb is a great teacher. She is very kind, generous and sweet with her students and teachers. Even if you don’t have her you should give her some respect because she works hard to make sure her students are well behaved and comforted in her classroom.

Author’s Bio: Jackson Wells is a 6th grader at EJHS who enjoys playing sports, coding, writing for journalism, building with Lego, reading and listening  to Fall Out Boy.