Why is Administration banning games?

By: Zoey Carter Date:5/8/24

Administration has been a special part of our school system for a long time because it can help our school stay together. Administrators can be many different types of people which include the principal, superintendent, and more people who usually have a little more authority over the school. Our school also has a tech team that helps with computer problems and can be the cause of banned games that you try to play during class. 

Now the administrators do have the say in what gets banned in the tech team actually bans them, so why? Why is administration and the tech team banning the games we play? 

The simple answer is two main reasons. First reason is the games tend to be violent or just not school appropriate so kids shouldn’t be playing them. Second reason is it can distract students during class and cause missing work and bad grades. There are also lots of different opinions on both sides of the question. “Should the admin be banning games?”

This screen pops up when you try to access a website blocked by admin

The main reason that your favorite games are getting banned at all times is because it is probably inappropriate or too violent for school policies. There are many examples of violent games like Granny, that was one of the games that was really popular before it got banned by the admin. Even when you think the game is not too scary or too violent, it can still cross school boundaries and will get blocked if a student or teacher reports it.

The second reason the games you play are getting you banned is the amount of distraction it can cause during work time. The game may feel like you only play for a little while, but it can be way too long and you won’t have enough time to finish your class work. That can cause bad grades and can create problems with not using class time smartly. With the games being distractions, kids don’t understand the learning material and can start struggling with tests.

With those two reasons, students and teachers have different opinions about not only the admin banning games but also the teachers banning games on go guardian. Riley Anspaugh, who has to ban games on goguardian when kids aren’t listening says,”I think it is necessary, I think students are very distracted on games online and it seems very few students have self control.” While Anspaugh is on the side that teachers should ban games, most students would disagree. Ty Wadsworth says, “ I think they should leave it up to the admin to ban them, or don’t ban them at all because they can ban websites that are needed for research.” That can show the two sides on go guardian and administration banning websites.

All students of all grades love to play the fun video games they find on the computer but if the power of using them is abused, it has to be taken away, The problem with admin blocking the games is it makes it more difficult to unblock them when it is an appropriate time to play like lunch or regulation break. That is why administrators are banning the games on chromebooks.

This screen shows if you get on a website that was blocked by go guardian