TV Shows or Movies


By: Alana Armstrong and Mahalia Battle

There are many forms of entertainment. TV Shows and movies have been a popular form that have been keeping people occupied for centuries. But there's a common question that frequently occurs. Which is better? TV shows are better than movies because they are separated so you do not feel pressured to finish the whole thing, TV shows give more entertainment, and it has more details, which help to make the plot more interesting.

This is the Netflix logo. It is a very popular app used to watch tv shows and movies.

One reason why TV shows are better is that they are separated, which can decrease the pressure to finish the whole entire movie, no matter how long it is. With TV shows, you can watch things at your own pace, with it being especially easier when you don't have to go out to watch them, which is something that you sometimes have to do with movies. TV shows are better in this way because you can watch them not only almost everywhere, but you can also watch them at your own pace and you don't feel as pressured to watch the whole thing because you can watch some episodes, leave, then come back later and watch some more. TV shows have a longer run time but you are also able to watch it at your own pace. TV shows also sometimes have schedules and for many shows, you will be able to know when the next episode will come out.

TV shows also provide more entertainment. Movies are very long and endless, which can get boring really quickly. Laura Chupp, a student at EJHS, believes the same thing. “I feel like I am just sitting there forever with a movie, but with a TV show, I can watch it, but I won't get bored with it because it’s not so long.” Movie times have grown 32 percent since 1930. As more and more movies come out, they will get longer and longer. The average movie time in 2023 was 2 hours and 23 minutes, so it is easy to suspect movies will just get longer from then. You can rewatch TV show episodes without having to pay money. With movies, you typically have to pay money in order to be able to watch it again.TV shows also provide a sense of community, as people can bond over the familiarity of a show. They can get communities formed off of them which can allow people to come together and talk about their interests.

TV shows have more details, which can be better for the plot. Since TV shows are longer, they have a more realistic pace for the plot. Jackson Wells, a student at EJHS, also believes that TV shows are better. He says, “I would rather just watch a TV show than just a one hour movie.” This is especially true when movies are not very interesting. You will usually be stuck watching the whole thing, which is contrary to TV shows because TV shows give more dynamic characters and are overall more entertaining. They typically have a variety of characters with different personalities that make characters easier to remember, which is sort of a contrast to movies, which don't typically have memorable characters.

This is a pie chart showing what other people's favorite types of TV shows are.

Overall, there are many reasons why TV shows are better than movies. TV shows are more entertaining, they have more details, and they are separated by episodes so that you do not feel pressured to watch the whole thing. On top of all that, they are more accessible because you don’t have to go to a theater to watch them. Many people enjoy TV shows more than movies and studies have shown that this is true. People are also able to connect over shows, but not as much when it comes to movies. This is why TV shows are better than movies overall.

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Author Bios

Alana Armstrong is a twelve year old 6th grader at EJHS who likes hanging out with her friends. She enjoys writing, singing, swimming, reading, and playing with her dog.

Mahalia Battle is a twelve-year-old 6th grader at EJHS who enjoys playing online games, reading, hanging out with friends, baking, and writing.