The Apple Vision Pro

By: Bricen Collins 3/21/24

Today I will talk about one of Apple's latest inventions that will make a huge impact on the world of technology. I will be giving some pros and cons and lots of extra things you need to know so you don't have to stress about purchasing this brilliant device.

First off, The Apple Vision Pro is one of Apple's latest devices that just started getting sold in stores on Feb 2. It is one of Apple's most expensive, yet exciting products yet to start 2024 and we are only a month in! You may be thinking, well what is this device, is it a phone, a computer, or even a TV? Well, the answer is no it's none of those things, The Apple Vision Pro is a virtual reality headset.

This headset is said to be $3500 and one of the most realistic headsets ever to be made, “Behind the lenses of the Vision Pro are Micro OLED displays, delivering 23 million pixels to   each eye, which is more than a 4K TV in each eye and the result is sensational.” The headset will also have a very good source of audio providing the best possible experience, similar to the Airpod Pros. “It's a safe bet that Vision Pro's sound will be a worthy acoustic successor to Apple's AirPods Pro series of earbuds.” -

Even though Apple Vision Pro will be an amazing product that lots of people will purchase, they will have some very fierce competition. The competition Apple is going up against is a company called Meta Quest. This is a company that is almost completely based on the VR headset. The main reasons that this company is the main competitor is because it is much cheaper than the Vision Pro, it is more trustable that it will be a good experience because of the number of people that have bought it and all of the positive reviews.

Overall the question is will the Apple Vision Pro be able to be a successful and fun experience for its users even with the sky-high price and the million-dollar company, Meta standing atop the mountain of VR companies? You decide by answering the Google form below and sharing your opinion

Apple Vison Pro Form