Why You Shouldn't Read Books Online

By: Jack Welch

Do you think you should read books from your phone, computer, tablet, or from a paper copy? In this article I will be taking the side of you should not read books online or on a screen. 

My first reason for why I think you should not read books online or on a screen is that if you are reading a book on a screen you are looking at a screen for a long time and that can be bad for your eyes. Oxford learning says, ¨Constantly looking at the blue light from screens can be hard on the eyes over time. While it is not often perceptible, most screens flicker at a high rate which can cause visual and sensory fatigue.¨ That is one reason why I think you should not read online or on a screen.

My second reason for why I think that you should not read books online or on a screen is that when people read on screens a lot of people do not understand what they are reading as well. Science News Explores says, ¨Many studies have shown that when people read on-screen, they don’t understand what they’ve read as well as when they read in print. Even worse, many don’t realize they’re not getting it.¨ That is another reason why I think that you should not read online or on a screen. Sixth grader Matthew Rouker says, ¨I prefer to read a paper copy of a book because I like going to sit down and read a paper copy of a book over just reading a book on a computer.¨

My third and final reason for why I think that you should not read books online or on screens is that being on a screen all the time can be bad for you mentally and emotionally. All the time spent in front of screens can negatively affect your mental and emotional wellbeing. Experts suggest that higher screen time and depression could be connected along with an increase in suicidal behaviors and lower one’s ability to read emotions in general.

So there are three of many reasons why I think that you should not read books online or on a screen. But what do you think? Should you read books online or on a screen or with a paper copy?