Skincare vs Makeup

By: Lilly Stapleton                   5/1/24

Today, all over social media you can see boys and girls doing a “grwm”. This stands for “Get ready with me” and can be either skincare, makeup, or both. Even with everyone filming and doing it, which one is better is still questioned. Skincare “grwm” or makeup “grwm”? I vote for skincare because most people wear makeup and worry about rubbing, itching, etc. If you wear skincare it stays on the whole day Makeup causes acne and skincare removes acne or can help prevent it Especially for people with oily skin 

Skincare became popular in the 1900s although it was created in the 1800s with the products of Vaseline ChapStick and baby powder makeup was popular in the 1920s 

the "looks" of the Hollywood movie star began encouraging women to wear makeup. This caused the beauty industry to flourish and makeup began to be sold to the masses (and continues to in the present day)

these are products from a brand called glow recipe.

Makeup can be better sometimes because sometimes it is more fun. Zoey Carter a girl at EJHS in 6th grade says, “Makeup can be more for the looks and matching of outfits or your mood, but skincare couldn’t be very well seen and could be a waste of time,” I agree with half of that but I disagree What's the other half but the half that I agree with is that makeup is for looks and matching outfits or your moods But I disagree with skincare is just a waste of time So because skincare can help you.

Another reason why makeup may be better is that it can help people with their insecurities, for example, having thin lips, ugly noses, acne, etc. Sometimes it can even cure boredom where you can try a new look with makeup or you could see what type of makeup matches you all although it does take practice and some people end up going to a professional to learn what makeup is good for your face type or your hair type Etc 

My other reason why skincare is better is that it can also be fun to wear some Brands like Bubble, Glow Recipe and Drunk Elephant make their packaging fun cool, and creative, and they display how you get the product out for example bubble you have to push down the top dispenser And then the product will come out In a Flower or star-shaped form.


This is a picture of ELF lipstick.

Ona Terrel an 8th-grade student at EJHS says I like makeup more than skincare because I enjoy it and think it is fun. I agree with that because I wear makeup too and sometimes I wear it because it gives me something to do.

In conclusion, I think they are both great and fun but I think skincare is better because it helps you have healthier skin.

Contributor bio: Lilly Stapleton is a 6th grader that likes doing her skincare