Should Spring Break Be Longer?

By: Ella Johnson and Ona Terrell


Throughout different school districts, there are different spring break times. Some have two weeks, some have one. The question is, what is the best time period for spring break? EJHS currently has a one-week spring break, but should it be longer?

While some schools have a longer spring break, that also means they get a shorter summer break. Schools with 2 weeks of spring break may have a week or two less of summer break than we do. If we were to implement a two-week break for spring and fall, our summer break would be two to four weeks shorter. A girl from another school once told us, ''Even though it can be nice to have a two-week long break, it makes my winter break shorter. '' They only have one week for winter break, but have two weeks for spring break. That's another reason why having a two-week break may not be the greatest.

In Indiana, there are a lot of different varieties of the length of spring break. For example, Center Grove Community Schools have a spring break that lasts from March 26 to April 8 while Martinsville schools have a spring break that lasts from March 18 - 22.  While there are many flaws, there are many benefits that come along with it. First of all, it gives students and teachers a more beneficial time away from school to get a break from a regular schedule. Also, it is scientifically proven to help mentally in two weeks rather than one. Finally, longer breaks help students get a chance to cool down their brains and can encourage them to finish off the year strong says, ''I believe a two-week break would ultimately be beneficial to enable students to be more productive going into the final months of school as they would have a break from the fatigue and have time to prepare.'' Although one week may seem long enough just like fall break, it can be hard to pause in only that amount of time mentally. A longer period gives students a longer time to cool off from school. 

During the last semester, it can go pretty slow and become quite difficult at times, this is another reason why we should have a longer break. Even though the last quarter seems to be easy, it is the time of most finals and stressful school. says, ''There needs to be more time given to students to have a real break to push us through the rest of the semester. Students feel burnout very quickly, and just having a week as a period to rejuvenate is something that does not feel full.''

So in conclusion, a longer spring break can be either a good or bad thing depending on what you want to get out of it. If you want time for a good mental rest and time to go on an epic vacation, a longer spring break would be for you. But if you want a quick break and refresh then a shorter spring break would be for you. You can leave your opinion about the time length of spring break in the form below.

Ella Johnson: Ella is a 13-year-old 8th grader who likes to be with her friends, read, swim, and sing. She loves her tiny dogs Chloe and Gracie!

Ona Terrell: Ona is a 14-year-old 8th grader who likes to spend time with her friends and family. She enjoys reading, journaling, Robotics, and dance. Her favorite books are Harry Potter, Divergent, Throne Of Glass,  and The Inheritance Games.