Is I-Learn Necessary?


By: Jasmine Puma

While I-Learn isn’t the funnest thing to do, it is a thing that helps teachers understand what fits our needs. I-Learn is a lot of help for not only teachers, but for us as well. As students, we don’t want to be put in an advanced class when we really need help with that subject. Or the opposite, where you can get put in a WIN class you really don’t need help with. All you need to do is try your best, and it’s over in a week. But, of course, everyone has their opinions. In this article, I will tell you other students' opinions about if I-Learn is really that necessary.

I-Learn was created by Delia Nueman in 2011, who said, “I-Learn is made to promote efficient and effective interactive and adaptive learning through online lessons.” This application creates a platform for both teachers and students to engage in teaching and learning while enabling continuous improvement of students by providing them with adaptive learning content. The model provides a framework to help students learn through using information. I-Learn is a series of questions for different subjects that help students understand just what each individual kid needs, so they can get put in classes made for them. As boring as it is, it really is a necessary “test” so that we can put everyone in classes right for them.


I-Learn was created by Delia Nueman in 2011, who said, “I-Learn is made to promote efficient and effective interactive and adaptive learning through video lessons.” This application creates a platform for both teachers and students to engage in teaching and learning while enabling continuous improvement of students by providing them with adaptive learning content.” The model provides a framework to help students learn through using information. I-Learn is a series of questions for different subjects that help students understand just what each individual kid needs, so they can get put in classes made for them. As boring as it is, it really is a necessary “test” so that we can put everyone in classes right for them.

Whitley Laffin

While Dorothy had amazing reasons, some people don’t agree at all. Whitley Laffin, a 6th grader at EJHS, absolutely thinks we should not have I-Learn at all. “I-Learn has no point if we’re taking tests all year,” she said. “We take tests, we fail or pass, teachers know if we get it or not. We can just tell them.” Whitley stated. However, while we do tests all year, the point of overall I-Learn is because administration needs to know what we need, not just what we know. We can completely flunk a test and know all the materials.

In our state, mostly Indiana schools do I-Learn “exams” due to law by the state. Teachers are expected to read instructions to the students, no matter how well you know it. Just remember, this isn’t the teachers fault. It’s the states. Most teachers, like Mr. Straw, dislike I-Learn just as much as we do. Speaking of which, I-Learn is not a typical test. You can’t actually fail I-Learn. It seems like if you do absolutely horrible on it, you’ll be made to retake it. But you can’t actually fail unless you genuinely don’t try on the test. I-Learn just shows us and teachers how well we’re doing in the subject. If you do badly on the math test, it's completely fine, as long as you try your best. All that’ll happen is you’ll be put in a math class with the right material for you.

However, while most people don’t enjoy I-Learn and find it unnecessary, some people agree with my reasons. Take Dorothy Hamiltion, a seventh grader at EJHS for example. Dorothy says, “I feel like in some ways, it is necessary, like making sure students understand without notes. And making sure teachers are teaching their students with the right material.” She says. “I feel it’s important to do a slight review on some of the tools, but we don’t have to go over all of the steps. Like for seventh and eighth graders who have been doing this for years.” Dorothy explained.

Dorothy Hamilton

While Dorothy had amazing reasons, some people don’t agree at all. Whitley Laffin, a 6th grader at EJHS, absolutely thinks we should not have I-Learn at all. “I-Learn has no point if we’re taking tests all year,” she said. “We take tests, we fail or pass, teachers know if we get it or not. We can just tell them.” Whitley stated. However, while we do tests all year, the point of overall I-Learn is because the administration needs to know what we need, not just what we know. We can completely flunk a test and know all the materials.

In conclusion, while we all hate I-Learn and it’s tiring, it is indeed necessary. It might seem boring, because it is, but it’s something that both teachers and students need in order to pass through grades. If you get into a hard class when you need help with that subject, maybe it’s because I-Learn isn’t some test that you can guess on.

Author's Bio: Jasmine plans on doing Journalism next year, in seventh grade, and signed up to be an editor.